It’s Just What We Do.

I was recently praying as Kari Jobe was singing on youtube in the background.  My nine year old, Kennedy, walked in and immediately was captured by the music.  She began to sing and mimic Kari’s “full body worship experience.”  I sat silently watching the future standing before me for several minutes.  Kennedy raised her arms, sang out every word with wild abandon at the top of her lungs, and praised her King as an uninhibited child would.

Finally I spoke, “Are you going to lead people in worship someday just like Kari?”

“Yes, Mom, I am.”

“Did Jesus tell you that?”

“No, Mom.  He doesn’t need to tell me to do that. It’s worship.  It’s just what we do.”

She turned and ran off singing her song to our risen Lord.

Tears flowed down my cheeks.  She knows what many forget.

So, my prayer for you, at whatever church your feet may fall into tomorrow, is this: I pray you would remember.  I pray you would worship with that childlike abandon.  I pray you would sing out at the top of your lungs, and lift your hands to a King who saved you.  I pray you would let God take over your worries, your plans, and your agenda for those precious moments that are set aside for Him.

Him.  The creator of the universe.  The releaser of prisoners and the birther of dreams.  Our healer, our comforter, our Savior, our King.  He is the Alpha, the Omega, the One and Only God.  The author and perfector of your faith.  The Holy One with the power to move mountains and unleash the rain from the sky.  May THAT God rain His anointing on you as you worship.

My prayer is that your heart leaps out of bed in the morning, you run to church with great expectation, and you leave filled by the only Source that will ever satisfy.

That’s the kind of Christianity that changes you.  Changes our community.  Changes our world…. A Christianity that boldly gives praise to the One who deserves it.

See you in the morning.



1 comment
  1. Wendell Kruger said:

    Wow!! Truly Amazing! Love you guys…

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