June 12 Highlights

It was Grad Sunday, where we take a moment to honor our graduates! What a talented bunch! It was a privilege to take a moment and reflect on their lives with us. We have walked, as a church, with them through some pretty big stuff and I am proud of the men and women they are becoming.

We had a guest with us yesterday who is a ministry major in a Christian college. She’s here for the summer and she needs stuff to do…You came to the right place!!! We are more than happy to put people to work in ministry!

It was one of the most difficult weeks imaginable for our leadership team. Kim’s husband, who battles with MS, had his hardest week ever in the ICU, John and Amy lost a friend in an accident earlier in the week and his wife is pregnant, and Vanessa’s boss was tragically killed on Saturday leaving behind several teenagers and newborn twins. Her boss’ son is also a friend of one of our staff kids as well. One thing I know for sure: our team is being asked to go through grief with people and there is no better people to have alongside your struggles. Please surround our team with prayer for wisdom and strength.

Matt’s pretty amazing at leading us in worship, don’t ya think?!?!

Vanessa covered Kim’s class for her this weekend and she did a fabulous job!

We’ve been praying for a lady in our church who had a pretty brutal cancer diagnosis. Today she emailed to say that they were able to get all of the cancer surgically and she is HEALTHY! We’ll take that!

My girls had their birthday party this weekend. They felt special and loved, so that’s the most important thing! My mom came from Montana to visit as well.

I am honored to do what we do. Sometimes it seems that being in the most difficult parts of people’s lives would be awful, but it is an honor to serve people you love when they need you the most. Don’t run from tragedy, run into it. God is in those moments in more real ways than you can ever imagine.

Next week is Father’s Day! It’s going to be a great time of honoring the men in our lives, so invite a man!

Make God first in your life this week. And please set aside some of your prayer time for our team and the circumstances they are battling right now. They will each come out victorious, but it is in the middle of the struggle that prayers keep them strong.

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