Mediocre = Selfish

“Mediocrity is the height of selfishness, and excuses are simply another way of being dishonest.”

OHHH!!  I love this quote!  It’s really deep and hurts all at the same time.  I read it on my friend’s facebook today and it struck a cord with me.  I’m a big fan of excellence.  I try to live my life in such a way that if I say I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it…and well.  Of course I fail, but far more times than not, I live above the mediocre line.

So much of life is one big choice.  You can choose to do a pathetic job, you can choose to have a pathetic attitude, you can choose to use excuses to buy you time.  But when it comes right down to it, what you produce represents who you are.  If you produce peace around you, it’s because you are a person of integrty.  If you produce drama, it’s probably because you are a gossip and an instigator.  In your job, if you produce excellence, it’s because you invested time and energy into your product.   If you have a great marriage, it’s because you do whatever it takes to avoid selfishness and dishonesty (mediocrity and excuses).

What a sentence to hang your life on!  Rise up!  Let go of the excuses and just be exellent.  If you commit to do something, do it with abandon.  Half-heartedness robs someone else of doing it well!

  1. kris said:

    Here, here! It’s amazing what God can do with the things in your life when you tackle them with abandon! Be excellent, and don’t apologize for it! We serve a big and amazing God and I say we represent Him with excellence in all we do.

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