
Wow! Yesterday was BUSY! Here’s my weekly highlights:

It was my mother-in-laws birthday! Happy Birthday, Alvina!

Jeremy Macias, our former worship leader, came back to visit before heading off to Africa with the peace corp. He’ll be living in a hut and growing his own vegetables. He won’t have running water or speak the native language. To top it all off, he’ll be there for two years. Now that’s an adventure!

We also had my friend’s 15 year old daughter, Chelsey, staying with us. She’s a lot of fun and my girls love her! She’s very easy to have around and I can’t wait to see what God does with her life!

Several families from our church are going to be joining a small group. That’s awesome! Getting people connected in relationship is one of our most important agendas. We just can’t do life without people…even if we want to some days!

Pastor Kris had a youth staff meeting…what an amazing leader!

Mike, Chelsey, Marcus and Cheryl rocked it in a skit! Thank you to all four of you for highlighting the point of the sermon in such a creative way.

Chrystal and Amanda decorated the stage. It was really good! I love when people “own” a ministry and knock it out of the park. If you want to be involved in the stage ministry, let me know and I’ll pass it on to Chrystal. The more the merrier!

The sermon was about how dangerous our words can be. That’s a big one. We don’t take this one issue as seriously as we should!

My children were so exhausted by the end of the day that it was one big ol’ meltdown at my house. You wouldn’t have wanted to see it, but it might have confirmed for you that Pastor’s have the same issues as everyone else in the world. By the time they fell asleep, I was pretty relieved!

I hope that you have an incredible week!

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