Work Day

What a day!  We had our first opportunity to work on our new building.  Lots of our church people came to help and we got so much accomplished!  We were scrubbing and painting and plastering and trashing…it was like a colony of ants, each with a task and a common goal.  Not one job was more or less important than the other.  Each person helped our church take a step towards excellence that I appreciate so much!

I am a firm believer that a church that works together stays out of a lot of trouble.  You would think that people scrubbing toilets and cleaning grease pits would have complaining spirits, but that’s not the case at all.  Our people were excited, determined, and filled with joy to work for God’s purpose.  Nobody focused inwardly, but kept going beyond the strength of their bodies and truly hated to leave when it was necessary.  I am fully aware of the rare demeanor that floods out of our church.  I am proud to be a part of a people group that is so excited to be a part of the mission of God that they would do ANYTHING. 

I may say it a lot, but… thank you, North Creek.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I needed to believe that a church could be unified, focused, and have a determination to succeed at our cause.  I needed to believe that an entire church could be friends…including all of our strengths, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies.  That despite our abilities to say and do the wrong things, we could all love each other anyway.  It’s funny how everything I needed in a church was so evident today.  You may have just been cleaning toilets, but I saw Jesus in you. 

  1. Mike said:

    Kris and Helen, would you hire your kids out to that at my house? Please?!

    Digging the smiling ladies: my awesomely current small group leader Kris, and my awesomely future small group leader Katie, tackling the grime on the walls! Way to go K & K!

    Why, oh why, is there always the obligatory picture of guys looking tough and making surfer/gang/thumbs up signs? :-)~
    They really must be proud for wrangling that carpet to the floor!

    The new building is starting to shine! (sort of!) Work always brings a church family closer together!

    p.s. to all the grammar critics out there, I know ‘awesomely’ as used above is modifying ‘current’ and ‘future’ and not Kris and Katie, but they’re awesome too!

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