August 11 Coffee Church Highlights

It was a great weekend, but BUSY from end to end!  I love being surrounded by quality people at every turn.  Being a part of a church community is priceless.

Congrats to Bradley and Alyson from the Hazel Dell campus who got married on Sunday!  Super excited for them as they start their new life together!  Enjoy the journey!  It was pretty funny at the wedding watching all of our North Creekers having a good time.  We bring the party!  And the chicken was good, too!

We had our staff team over for a spontaneous BBQ after church.  That’s a whole lot of fun packed into my house!  We have more kids than I can count.  Thankfully we’ve now trained the older ones to watch the younger ones so we can eat!  Smart cookies…

Our sermon series, Age of Kings, is over and done.  I have to admit that I’ll miss it very much!  Such a life-changing thing for our teaching team as multiple people dove into different stories of Kings in the Bible.  It was an amazing experience for all and I hate to see it go!  We sure have a talented teaching team.

One of our “Church Plant Kids”, Gregory, was 15 when we started North Creek.  He has since moved to California, but came home this weekend to visit.  When our sound man threw his back out, Gregory got trained on the sound on the fly.  He did an amazing job and I laughed to myself because we trained him to be available many years ago.  It’s often not the most talented person who is the most valuable…it’s the available ones.  Make yourself available and God will find incredible ways to use you.  We love you, Gregory!

Platform kicked off this week at Hazel Dell!  If you missed it, catch it online as this will be an important series for all of us.  It is a strong reminder that you have a platform to be Jesus to people no matter where you are.

Our youth ministry left on Monday for their Rural Missions Trip.  They will be doing hard labor, preaching, skits, serving, and being hands-on in any way they possibly can.  Take some time to pray for them throughout the week.  We have an amazing youth ministry that meets at our Hazel Dell campus, but we are in the process of developing an on-site youth ministry for Battle Ground.  Stay tuned!!!!

Mark your calendars for September 13.  We are doing a massive Volunteer Appreciation night and we want you to be a part.  A ton of more info to come!

Go tell someone about Jesus.  He’s the only way to change the world!  Be blessed!!




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