June 26 Highlights
Happy Birthday to my daughter Delaney!!!!! It’s hard to fathom that seven years ago I got the pleasure of becoming her mom. She is quite the little lady and has a sweet heart. It is my privilege to know her!
It was a CRAZY weekend! Congrats to Bryan and Michelle Smith who are now married as of Saturday! We also attended two grad parties – Keagan and Matt – which is always a fun event to commemorate.
Our small group also finished out our session with a BBQ at the Lakin’s house. Great food, fun conversation, and kids running EVERYWHERE! It was nice to just relax and enjoy people from our church!
A guest said, “Man, it’s hard to hide in your church!” That was after she had been greeted A LOT. That is not a bad thing in my book.
Our teenagers left for camp at 7:00 am on Monday morning. Kris told me that she had a lot of first time campers, which is awesome! They will come home ridiculously excited and I can’t wait. Camp changes lives. We also asked for camp scholarships and in one offering were able to cover what we think we need for this year! Thank you!
We also talked about how exciting it has been to go after a new building and vision in Hazel Dell. We are continuing to raise money and look forward to the future. Matter of fact: we are at a leadership lid in our current facility. If we move, we will grow. It’s nerve-wracking!!!!!!
Next Sunday is our baptism day at the park! Check out www.coffeechurch.com for directions, but take note that we start at 10:00 am with scones and donuts. It is going to be a great morning! It’s also not too late to get baptized, so fill out the registration form online now.
We are partnering with Downtown Compassion for an outreach event on July 9. Click HERE to sign your family up to serve the underprivileged in Portland for a day! They need a ton of volunteers!!!
So many good things on the horizon. We are a blessed church and we love having you as a part of it!