I’m a little late in the week, but we had a great Sunday and I wanted to be sure to highlight that!
Most excitedly we had a young man in our audience decide to make Jesus his Lord and Savior. That’s why we do what we do! To tell people about how awesome it is to walk hand and hand with Jesus through this turbulent life.
It’s CHRISTMAS season! My hope for you is that you are able to be fully present with your family and friends this holiday. Your kids will probably not remember the Christmas presents 30 years from now, but they will remember family dinners together, reading the Christmas story by the tree, and showing up to deliver gifts to needy families.
On Sunday we moved a semi full of flooring into our buildings. THANK YOU to everybody who showed up and to Valentin for letting us use the semi. When we realized that 20,000+ lbs of flooring were coming our way, we were a bit overwhelmed to say the least! But our church stepped up and it was such a smooth and quick process, we now feel like we can accomplish anything! Which is good because this building is an awesome task!!!
Many of you responded to my last blog about helping needy families. So far we have been able to deliver blessings to five different families! Jesus was generous and we truly reflect Him best when we are generous as well.
We will be sending out a link to a new Facebook page where we will be putting our building needs and work days. We realize that we will have ALOT of needs over the next several months, so we wanted a page designed to allow us to alert you of both the BIG work days as well as “Hey, we’re working for a couple hours today, come on over if you can.” Also, we can use donations like a washer and dryer, so those needs will go out in case you have extras in your garage that you would like to donate. We’ll let you know when that Facebook is ready!
Our Christmas service will be on Sunday, December 24 at 10:00 am this year. It will be a family service with some great things planned to make it special! Childcare will be provided for the younger kids. Invite a friend to celebrate with you!
Well, I can’t wait to see you on next weekend. We love North Creek and it is a privilege to be your pastors!