I am really looking forward to this Saturday and Sunday at North Creek! It is our summer recap morning where we take time to celebrate what God has done in and through our people this summer. I gotta tell you – as I wade through the stories I get goose bumps. I think of all the experiences, the lives touched, the seeds planted, the babies born, and the people who stepped out in faith…I am humbled to be in this story that God is writing!
When we set out on this journey I wanted a church where people passionately loved Jesus and lived their lives in the community and in the world to glorify HIM. That all came to fruition this summer. We had everything from a young woman of God singing at the fair all the way to a group of people making screens for orphans in Mexico.
Just life lived with a purpose. A purpose that is awesome, powerful, and full of saving grace. It’s going to be an amazing weekend as we celebrate the fact that God is still at work in our world. He’s just as real as ever and it’s His priority to use our lives to change His people!
If you have a quick highlight from the summer, I would love to know about it…could be just as simple as “I found this church and….” There is nothing too small to celebrate! You can email me at stacy@coffeechurch.com or comment on my blog. Thanks for sharing!