
Monthly Archives: September 2016


SUNDAY was a PARTY!!!!  We had such a great time celebrating ten years as a church.  Thank you for all the love, support, and laughter you have brought to the last decade of our story.  We look forward to the future!

Our older kids in K-5th joined us in the main service, which is always great.  I loved watching them worship and enjoy the service alongside their families.  We had A LOT going on, so it was easy to keep the kids focused this week.

We opened with our very own Marc Roy and his team dancing Hip Hop for us.  If your kids are interested, he teaches all kinds of classes.  You can find him on social media.  Isn’t it cool to see all of the ways that we can give glory to God?  We can’t limit our praise, so give Him WHATEVER you’ve got!

I think that Heaven is going to be OFF THE CHARTS in worship.  I think there will be times of shouting, dancing, playing instruments, art, prayerfully bowing, silence…all sorts of ways to give Him honor.  But one thing will be true…every action will be done with 100% of who we are.  Make sure that is true in your daily life now.  Are you worshiping Him with it ALL?

Mark and I co-preached on Sunday about the Ten Things That Have Anchored Us.  It was FUN!  You can watch the whole sermon here: NC VIMEO  (Video is uploading, check back soon!)  It includes a video about Nate and Jessica Johnson, Nick and Maria Ortiz, a cameo from Troy Jones, a video highlighting all 180 baptisms, and we even gave out a Starbucks card to all the adults and teenagers!  You’ll see that we edited out the highlight video of one of our missionaries.  She is in a highly sensitive country, so we will not be posting anything online that puts her safety in jeopardy.  You can still give to BePresent via our Pushpay app if you’d like to support missions!

We also had the Deaf Church in with us, which I loved.  Jim and James took turns interpreting and deserve an award.  We had so much going on and they were rockstars at keeping up with it all.

We also had a photo booth (see North Creek  – The Coffee Church) with some birthday decorations to get festive!

And THEN we ended the service by dropping 500 balloons graciously blown up by our teenagers.  They will be lightheaded for weeks…

Mark and I were also surprised by our team as they honored us for leading for 10 years.  Thank you so much for that!  Truly, we have the BEST team I could imagine and they deserve the credit.  We wouldn’t want to go on this journey alone!

So, what’s next?  Continuing to live for Him with complete abandon.  No fear, all faith, endless possibilities!  Join us on the adventure!



img_2501We are headed quickly towards our 10 year anniversary as a church and it has just been amazing as we look back and celebrate!

We are still giving out t-shirts, which we are almost out of AGAIN.  We are ordering more…Hollie might kill me for the attention, but isn’t this a great family picture? 🙂

This week we had DONUTS…everywhere! I’ve never seen more donuts. You could smell the sugar in the air from a mile away! And our children thought it was the best week EVER! Thankfully I gave them all away before the morning was over because I had no idea what my plan was with dozens of donuts.

Our youth were also the highlight this week as they took the offering for their arm of missions called Speed the Light. Our worship team had A LOT of teenagers showcased with a special song by Emily Ronda. It was incredible!  We also had teen greeters, helpers, ushers, etc. They are amazing volunteers every week at North Creek, but we just had more than usual around for last Sunday.

We also honored our youngest member – Asher Robison. He was born to Jordan and Catherine just a few weeks ago, so we gave him a Coffee Church onesie as a gift. We then honored our eldest member, Lorraine. We gave her a bouquet of flowers and thanked her for her teachable heart. As a church we want to provide an opportunity to grow in Jesus from birth through the entirety of your life!

img_2458As we round the corner to ten years, I could not be more excited.  I can remember about 20 years ago watching the “Church Planters” at Conference and feeling a little sorry for them.  Who wanted to start a church with very little and grow it from the ground up???  That sounded like a terrible amount of work.  And then God asked us to do it.  Now, here we are, ten years in and the tables have turned.  I feel sorry for people who never get to do this!  It has been the most stretching, beautiful, painful, wonderful, awful, life-giving, heart-breaking, roller coaster of a journey.  I feel like it has been ten years of our hands being held by Jesus himself because this was too big to do alone...and that, my friend, has been the BEST place we could have ever imagined.  Step out in faith for whatever He is asking of you…whether that is tithing or leaving this country for missions.  Regardless of the magnitude of the ask…DO IT.

Fulfillment is found when faith and obedience collide.

See you this Sunday at 10 am at Prairie High School for a celebration service!  Invite all your friends!  Kids age K-5th grade and the Deaf Church are ALL joining the Hearing Church for an incredible morning.  We’ll have surprises all over the place!

It’s hard to believe it’s been 15 years since the September 11 attacks.  We still honor the brave men and women who exemplified heroism on that day and in the years to come.  As this day rolls around every year, I hope it is a great reminder to you to pray that we turn to Jesus.  We need Him.

img_0249In honor of North Creek’s ten year anniversary we highlighted the Kid’s Ministry this week by having our K-5th Graders come and sing with us for a song as well as take a special offering. I recommend watching the videos below as they are quite moving!  Isaiah and Kennedy took the offering as the first two BABIES that were in our nursery 10 years ago.  They’ve sure grown up into some amazing kids!  Great job to Andrea and our children!

We also gave everyone YUMMY biscotti for coming!  I’m not even a huge fan of biscotti, but this stuff was GOOD!  This Sunday we’ll have more treats and surprises as we head toward our BIG celebration on Sept. 25.  Invite someone to church!

kennedyisaiahGrowth Groups kicked off this week with a bang.  It’s not too late to sign up, so go visit  Our groups meet every other week, so it is an easy, but very beneficial commitment.  I love our group and look forward to seeing them!

Do you have a teenager that needs to be in a positive environment?  Our youth ministry is INCREDIBLE!  They meet every Thursday and all teenagers are welcome to attend.

Heads up for your Christmas planning…yes, Christmas….we will be having a special service on Friday night, December 23, instead of Sunday morning, December 25.  As a mobile church, that is the best scenario for everybody as Christmas lands on a Sunday, so plan to attend that Friday and bring your family!  We’ll have beautiful music and some special moments to honor the birth of Jesus.

Also, we’ll be rolling our info for our next missions trip soon, so stay tuned!  We are working on doing a family trip, so you can go with your teens and older kids.  Pretty cool!

Lots of good stuff going on in Jesus’ Church.  I’m loving being a part of it!  OK, watch these videos.  They are worth the time!  Enjoy!




The party has started!!!  All month we are celebrating our TEN YEAR anniversary.  We are excited beyond measure to share the stories, honor people along the way, and thank Jesus for all that He has done.  And the best is yet to come!!!

As part of our celebration, we will be handing out free Coffee Church shirts all month.  We already ran out, so the new order has been placed!  Aren’t our people the best?  The shirts are free, but pass on the blessing by giving extra to our missionaries around the world.  We are highlighting four missionaries this month in honor of our ten year and we want to be generous with all that God has blessed you with.  What a privilege!

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We also passed out coffee tins with coffee candy in them and a note about our story.  You’ll have to watch the sermon below to truly appreciate the history of our coffee tins!  It’s been quite the adventure, but with all of the challenges, all of the ups and downs…it is WORTH it!

We took a special offering for our FIRST missionaries, Chris and Heather Schneider.  Ironically, I just got off of a Facebook conversation and they have a need of about $4000 right now.  Would you take some time and pray that God would provide for them?  Make sure you listen to see if God would have you sacrifice as well.

ALSO, you can sign up for our Growth Groups right now.  Signups are going great as our groups prepare to start next week.  See your options at

And a special shout out for our young adults group.  They are knocking it out of the park right now, so if you’re out of high school and need a great group of people to hang out with, register under the Growth Groups link and they will track you down! 🙂

AND congrats to all of our new 6th graders who celebrated their first night at The Difference Youth.  I’m pretty excited for you all because I know what the last year in youth group has meant to my own daughter.  It’s a special place!

AND our Kindergartners are on their way to KidCity!  It’s a big transition for our young ones, but it’s an EXCEPTIONALLY well run class for our K-5th Graders.  If your kindergartner isn’t one that makes transitions easily, talk to our kid’s pastor, Andrea Garner.  She is very helpful and takes the time to make sure kids go at the best pace for their personality.  You can contact her at  She also loves having other moms and dads volunteer,  so if you’d like to be a part of your elementary schoolers spiritual growth at church, let her know that as well!

Speaking of Andrea…HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best kid’s pastor and one of my favorite people!!!  You are a joy to do life with and I am grateful for your investment into my kids!

Phew!  Make sure you are at the next three weeks of church because we are just scratching the surface of FUN! 😉

Here’s the video of last week.  You’ll enjoy the history!