Here’s my weekly highlights from Sunday:
Awwww….I held a baby in the nursery during first service who reminded me SO much of my daughter, Kennedy. She was a sweetheart!
We had a new check in and out process for our kids at church today. It went really well and there was much more manageable control at the counter. Next week will be even smoother, since now most people will know what they are doing. This is the area of church planting that has caused great headache…how do you provide a secure environment and yet escort guest parents back and forth so that they feel comfortable with where their kids are? Without spending a ton of cash for a fancy system that scans the chip in their forehead?…just kidding. We keep tweeking the system, so we hope to have it mastered at some point.
Delaney learned about the plagues of Pharaoh in class today. Her favorite plague was the frogs. What a cool story! Thanks to Mike and Alecia for taking both classes today so that Kim could have a week off.
We need more greeters on our leadership schedule. It’s by far the area with the least number of volunteers. I find that very strange. You’d think it would be our kids ministry that needed the volunteers…like always, we are a backwards church.
Pastor Jeff preached on Nehemiah. I LOVE that story! Apparently he did a good job, but I didn’t get to hear him today. I’ll catch it on
We got a call from our security company at 1:30 AM. Mark got to go down to the church with a police officer to make sure we weren’t being robbed…now there’s a fun thing to do in the middle of the night. Thankfully it was a false alarm, but they still have to check every nook and cranny in the building to make sure no one is hiding in there. I’m really grateful for police officers! Thanks for coming quickly and doing a thorough job!
I love statistics. It was one of my favorite classes in college. Here’s my stat of the day: our attendance a year ago this week was 49. Two years ago it was 40. Three years ago, it was 0, but that’s because we didn’t exist…This is usually one of our least attended weekends of the year. Curious as to yesterdays attendance? It was 132. That’s a lot of new friends in a year. I’m so thankful for each one of you!
It’s going to be a hot week! See you Sunday in our nice, air conditioned church!