Give What You’ve Got
Here’s an email I just received…
A week or so ago, a friend put a shout out on FB to see if anyone had an infant carseat available for a single mom who was going to deliver soon and didn’t have a carseat to bring the baby home from the hospital. I saw it and couldn’t believe it. We had just switched my son to his toddler seat that week! Even if we decide to have another baby, this carseat we had would expire before then. I knew I needed to find somewhere for it to go. This woman was having a boy. So, we were able to bless her with a carseat, clothes, lotion….all things we already had.
We don’t have the means right now to go out and purchase things….that’s why it was such a blessing for us to be able to bless someone else even when we are tight. I loved it. We talked to the kids about it and explained how God had given us an opportunity to bless someone else, even during a difficult financial time in our own lives. Thank you, Lord. It was awesome.