
Monthly Archives: June 2016

What a great weekend!  Happy Father’s Day to all of the incredible dads out there!  We have some AMAZING fathers walking around our church every Sunday and I am proud of them all!

For those of you with sadder stories about Father’s Day, I prayed for you this weekend.  Between dads that are now passed and dads that never showed up, there are some sore spots on Father’s Day as well.  Remember that Jesus is our Heavenly Father and can fill all the holes in your heart!

gradsWe also celebrated our Graduates on Sunday!  What a COOL bunch!  So driven, so focused, so teachable!  This was a sharp class and we were honored to celebrate with them.  Our youth pastor, Kris, had a big job as her oldest daughter, Kylie, was one of our grads.  “Commissioning” them into the world gets a lot more emotional when it’s your own kid!

We are neck deep in packing and moving our church!  The next opportunity to help is Saturday, June 25.  We are moving out of our storage unit at 24415 NE 10th Ave, Ridgefield, WA 98642 from 9:00 to 11:30 am.  We need LOTS of movers!  All of our belongings are heading to one spot at a friend’s church while we look for a building.

Are you ready to be baptized???  It’s that time again!  If you’d like to get dunked, fill out a registration form at and we will celebrate with you on Sunday, July 3 at the Battle Ground campus.

ON SUNDAY, JULY 3, WE WILL NOT BE AT PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL!!!!  Go to 500 SW Eaton Blvd, Battle Ground, WA 98685 instead with a brunch dish to share.  Service still starts at 10:00 am.

Right after service, we will be loading the truck with all of the stuff from Battle Ground and taking it to storage as well.  And then we are done!!!

Thanks to a lot of helping hands yesterday, everything is already packed, most rooms are cleaned, and 95% of the yard work is finished.  Moving will be SUPER slick and fairly painless…well, as painless as moving an entire church gets anyway…

All of our kids and youth are gearing up for Summer Camp.  North Creek puts a high priority on camp, so we have over 50 people we are mobilizing for our hearing camps, not to mention the Family Deaf Camp as well!  Such a great opportunity for our church to meet with God and develop relationships!

God is good.  Even when our circumstances are challenging, He NEVER fails us.  He restores, He redeems, and He resurrects.  Lean into Him, lean into His Church, and lean into His Word.  And then watch your life change!

Be blessed and we’ll see you this weekend!

First and foremost, I was to express my sorrow for yet another mass shooting in our nation.  I grieve along with each of you that our children live in a world where this has become normative and free of all reason.  We also grieve with all of the loved ones of those in Orlando who will spend this week burying their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers…it is all too much.  As a Christian, my only prayer is that Jesus can go where no one else can and dive into the hearts of the hurting.  May He do a redemptive work in those families, in that city, and in our nation.

On the opposite end of things, for our church, it was a good weekend as we expressed our praise to God together.  We had a full house and plenty of good conversations!!  Thank you for joining us as it is always a joy to be together as a church.

We are gearing up to move out of our storage and our building.  Here are several opportunities to help:

Tuesday, June 21 – Packing at the Battle Ground Campus – 500 SW Eaton Blvd, Battle Ground, WA from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Bring a lunch!

Saturday, June 25 – Moving out of our storage unit – 24415 NE 10th Ave, Ridgefield, WA 98642.  This will be in the morning, but we are not sure exactly what time, so we will update you asap!

Sunday, July 3 – After our Baptisms and Brunch at our Battle Ground Campus, we will all jump in to empty the building.  It should take an hour and a half to load if we have plenty of help!  Also, if you’d like to get baptized that day, fill out the baptism registration at  It is always an amazing day!  We will NOT be at Prairie High School that day, so please take note!

The building is set to close on July 15, but we are hoping to have it all done early!

Youth camp and Kid’s Camp are just around the corner.  We have some students who are looking for jobs to finish paying for their registration.  If you have yard jobs, babysitting needs, small projects, you can “Rent A Student” and give the money directly to their camp fund.  Email for more info.  Also, for those of you who gave camp scholarships, we have very grateful students that received those scholarships and have shown up to help pack, weed, and work at the Battle Ground campus over the last month.  Thank you for your generosity!  Most of our students earn the majority of their $300 and literally work all year to make camp happen.  It’s truly amazing to watch!

Next Sunday, June 19, it’s Dad’s and Grads!  We will have Dad’s Root Beer for all of our men and we’ll be celebrating with our graduates!  We have 11 of them this year and they are AMAZING people.  Join us on Sunday as we have so much to celebrate!

I look forward to great days ahead!  When you walk through the difficult seasons with grace and faith, you will find beauty on the other side.  Here’s to walking in that beauty for a while!  I hope you see a glimpse of that in your own life today!


It’s clearly June because it’s BUSY!!!  It seems like the end of the year is a roller coaster ride of things to do!  And then we got slammed with epic heat, which added to the crazy!  I have been in a mad dash to the finish of the school year, so my blog is a bit late this week!

We started the weekend by honoring Jim Johnson at his memorial service.  Thank you to those of you who gave meals, came to the funeral, and offered support to this family.  We love Joni, Stefani, Malynda, Billy, and Victoria very much and are grateful to North Creek for doing what you could to make this first week without Jim just a touch more bearable.  Please continue to pray for them as they navigate this new season of their lives.

We also ask you to continue to pray for David Hinshaw who was in the hospital last week.  We were surprised to see him at church on Sunday, but grateful he was doing so well already!

Kid’s class was AWESOME!  Andrea brought in her journal from years ago where she wrote about being called to kid’s ministry and then gave each child a journal to write about what God was doing in their lives.  I have a feeling that great things will come from that one lesson!  Parents…if you see that journal around, encourage your child to write down their thoughts as they read the Bible!

We need more volunteers!  As the summer hits, some of our volunteers are unavailable and it’s a GREAT time for new volunteers to jump in.  At North Creek, we ask that you serve just once a month.  You can fill out a volunteer form at TODAY!

Also, remember you can give this summer via PushPay.  Often times our giving drops as people go out of town and it makes for a challenging budget!  We appreciate your faithfulness to your church!

All is rolling right along with the sale of our Battle Ground campus.  We are set to close on July 15.  We are planning a moving day to storage after our July 3 Baptisms and Brunch.  More info to come, but we’d love your help!  Mark your calendars and if you’d like to get baptized that day, fill out a form at  It’s going to be an amazing weekend!

We are on the lookout for a new building everyday!  The market is pretty sparse right now, but we know God has a plan and a purpose, so we walk patiently in that knowing His timing is in our best interest!

2016-06-05 16.09.31Also, congrats to Gracie, Sydney, and Maddy who were all in Journey Theater’s play “Pocahontas” this month.  Delaney and I got to watch it on Sunday and it was very well done!

My friend Robin and her family moved here this weekend as well.  Robin and I were like sisters growing up and now she lives two minutes away from me!  Crazy fun!!!

Phew!  Is it July yet???? 🙂

Be blessed and we’ll see you on Sunday!  It’s going to be another great weekend!