What a great weekend! Happy Father’s Day to all of the incredible dads out there! We have some AMAZING fathers walking around our church every Sunday and I am proud of them all!
For those of you with sadder stories about Father’s Day, I prayed for you this weekend. Between dads that are now passed and dads that never showed up, there are some sore spots on Father’s Day as well. Remember that Jesus is our Heavenly Father and can fill all the holes in your heart!
We also celebrated our Graduates on Sunday! What a COOL bunch! So driven, so focused, so teachable! This was a sharp class and we were honored to celebrate with them. Our youth pastor, Kris, had a big job as her oldest daughter, Kylie, was one of our grads. “Commissioning” them into the world gets a lot more emotional when it’s your own kid!
We are neck deep in packing and moving our church! The next opportunity to help is Saturday, June 25. We are moving out of our storage unit at 24415 NE 10th Ave, Ridgefield, WA 98642 from 9:00 to 11:30 am. We need LOTS of movers! All of our belongings are heading to one spot at a friend’s church while we look for a building.
Are you ready to be baptized??? It’s that time again! If you’d like to get dunked, fill out a registration form at www.coffeechurch.com and we will celebrate with you on Sunday, July 3 at the Battle Ground campus.
ON SUNDAY, JULY 3, WE WILL NOT BE AT PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL!!!! Go to 500 SW Eaton Blvd, Battle Ground, WA 98685 instead with a brunch dish to share. Service still starts at 10:00 am.
Right after service, we will be loading the truck with all of the stuff from Battle Ground and taking it to storage as well. And then we are done!!!
Thanks to a lot of helping hands yesterday, everything is already packed, most rooms are cleaned, and 95% of the yard work is finished. Moving will be SUPER slick and fairly painless…well, as painless as moving an entire church gets anyway…
All of our kids and youth are gearing up for Summer Camp. North Creek puts a high priority on camp, so we have over 50 people we are mobilizing for our hearing camps, not to mention the Family Deaf Camp as well! Such a great opportunity for our church to meet with God and develop relationships!
God is good. Even when our circumstances are challenging, He NEVER fails us. He restores, He redeems, and He resurrects. Lean into Him, lean into His Church, and lean into His Word. And then watch your life change!
Be blessed and we’ll see you this weekend!