
Monthly Archives: November 2013

This weekend was non-stop fun at North Creek!

We had Jeff and Angela Welk back visiting with us.  They helped us start North Creek seven years ago and played a huge role in our initial years of getting off the ground.  They will be friends of ours forever and it was so amazing to reminisce and catch up!

Chris and Mark both continued on with the Be Present series in our hearing services.  It is a lifestyle switch to be outward thinking all of the time as Christians.  Our world very often tells us to take care of ourselves first, but God has a much different agenda for our time, talent, and money.  He wants us to learn to keep an eye on others and trust Him to make sure our own needs are met.

Are you ready to get baptized?  We want to celebrate NEW LIFE in January with the new year and with a new location for Hazel Dell.  If you would like to get scheduled, you can fill out the registration form at RIGHT NOW!

Why are you still reading?  Seriously, fill out the baptism form. 🙂

We met with our friend, Jeffery Portmann yesterday who is going to be starting a church in Puyallup.  Would you commit to pray for him and his launch team as they dive into the greatest adventure of their lives?  We can’t wait to cheer them on!  Jeffery grew up in the Vancouver area and can actually remember going to the Edelweiss restaurant as a reward from his church.  In this strange twist of events, the Edelweiss will be our new church facility!

Our Tiny Town classes at both campuses are bursting at the seams!  We would love to separate the classes a bit more, which means doubling our Tiny Town volunteers.  Would you consider teaching ONE Sunday a month and making the difference in the life of a child?  We love having so many young families at our church, but that also means we need to jump in and teach the people we reach.  We happen to reach ALOT of 3 year olds…  You can sign up to volunteer at as well.

We love pastoring this church.  Our “problems” are awesome.

We are READY for the Christmas season!  Join us on December 17 or 18 for our Simply Christmas Worship Concert to honor our Savior this holiday season.  Also, invite a friend on December 22 to come to church with you and celebrate Christmas.

We had another pregnancy announcement from one of our North Creek families again this week.  Yes, that makes three pregnancies announced in three weeks.  Anyone want to join the May/June baby rush???  Did I mention we need workers in Tiny Town?…

I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving week!  Whether you are surrounded by family and friends or going solo, know that you are loved and valuable…both to our church and to a God who created you with a plan and a purpose!

Be blessed!


Such a full week of emotional moments!  There’s always something going on at the Coffee Church!  We are blessed with a lot of life and big decisions going on around us all of the time.

BowhitneyFirst of all, congrats to Bo and Whitney who got engaged at the Battle Ground Campus where they met!  Pastor Jim and Pastor Chris got the privilege of helping to set up their special moment and capture it on camera.  We wish you the very best in your marriage!

We had our business meeting on Sunday night to discuss our potential building.  We took a poll and got a resounding YES to purchase from our congregation!  That being said, there is still time for your questions and input!  Email us at if you didn’t get a question answered or have a thought.  We have through this weekend to make our final decision and we will use every moment for prayer and processing.

We really have an amazing congregation!  Every time we make a monumental change, our church is so supportive and helpful.  We don’t take it lightly that you not only trust our leadership, but engage in the conversation and process.  It really means that the building we choose is irrelevant because our church is strong and unified.  Wherever we go, God will bless us and give us favor because we have our eyes on the mission of God!  Let’s go change the world!

I went into the Kid’s class on Sunday morning and got dragged up on stage to help lead worship.  I am apparently out of shape because I’ve got some SORE muscles this week…  Such incredible kids in our church who CLEARLY give their all in worship to Jesus!  Thank you to Kim and Vanessa for leading our kids!

LilliahnaWe also got the privilege of meeting baby Lilliahna this week!  Her parents, Mike and Alecia, welcomed her into the world on November 15.  This was a special birth for us as we have been praying for this family for over 10 years.  I can remember standing at an altar a decade ago with them praying that God would prove Himself faithful.  Little Lilliahna is a reminder that God’s timing is perfect!

We also had another couple tell us they are expecting a baby!   I’m sure you’ll find out who it is eventually… We are so blessed with about a dozen births a year in our congregation.  Anybody want to work in the nursery? 😉

If you haven’t given to Charity Water, yet, you can still give online at  It is our current Be Present initiative and we are so excited to partner with such a great organization to give water to people who desperately need it!

As we enter into the Thanksgiving Holiday, I reminisce how truly thankful I am for North Creek Church.  The lives changed, the friends made, the faith-filled stories told….those are some of the highlights of my life.  When I see Jesus face-to-face in Heaven someday, I will spend several years of eternity thanking Him for allowing this to be our story.  We love being your pastors!

In Exodus 10, you’ll find the story of Pharoah, Moses, and the Locusts.  To sum up the story in a couple of sentences, Moses wanted to leave Egypt with the Israelites, who were in slavery, but Pharaoh (top dog in Egypt) had a hard heart towards God and wouldn’t let His people go.  God sent a series of plagues, one of which was a thick coat of Locusts (bugs) over the entire land to compel Pharaoh to release the people.

This is the incredibly horrific description of that day in verse 13: 13 So Moses stretched out his staff over Egypt, and the Lord made an east wind blow across the land all that day and all that night. By morning the wind had brought the locusts; 14 they invaded all Egypt and settled down in every area of the country in great numbers. Never before had there been such a plague of locusts, nor will there ever be again. 15 They covered all the ground until it was black. They devoured all that was left after the hail—everything growing in the fields and the fruit on the trees. Nothing green remained on tree or plant in all the land of Egypt.

LocustsEgyptCan you imagine the moment that Pharaoh had with God when he looked out the window and EVERYTHING was covered in bugs?  If you’re like me, the thought, “I surrender!” crosses your mind quite quickly.  And that is precisely the realization that Pharaoh had as well.  In verse 16 the Bible says, “16 Pharaoh quickly summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “I have sinned against the Lord your God and against you. 17 Now forgive my sin once more and pray to the Lord your God to take this deadly plague away from me.”

No kidding…the best word in this chapter is QUICKLY.

And then God does His work.  In verse 19 it reads, “19 And the Lord changed the wind to a very strong west wind, which caught up the locusts and carried them into the Red Sea. Not a locust was left anywhere in Egypt.”

I love the fact that God’s response to Pharaoh’s repentance was immediate.  (Too bad Pharaoh didn’t have a permanent change in his life, but that’s for another story…) I also love that God simply changed the winds from allowing locusts into his life to whisking them far into the sea.  It wasn’t God’s desire to make Pharaoh suffer for sufferings sake, rather it was God’s desire to do ANYTHING to get Pharaoh’s attention.

Perhaps today you look around your life and it seems to be covered in problems.  Although not every hardship is a direct result of sin, maybe you know deep down that those problems are there because of your own disobedience and hard heart towards the things of God.  Maybe you know that our loving God is trying desperately to get your attention.  And you probably also know that your response should not be slow, but that you would turn quickly.

Maybe today is the day to ask for repentance and watch God change the wind in your life.

It was a pretty amazing weekend!  I hope that all of our veterans had a wonderful Monday as we celebrated your service!  There are just no words to thank you enough for what you do for our families.  As Christians, we intimately understand what it means to be willing to lay down your life for a stranger….pretty awesome!

Sunday was packed at all three campuses!  Hazel Dell, Battle Ground, and Battle Ground Deaf Church were all well attended with many guests…that’s how we like it.  Everybody is welcome, no matter what your story, to come and learn about who Jesus is!

Wasn’t the Phil Stacey concert amazing?!?!?  I had a lot of fun and very much enjoyed each of the singers.  Matt Garner, Eddie Coleman, and Lee Malone might have been my favorite, though!  If you’d still like to give to Charity Water, here is the link:  Our totals from the concert will be added soon!

Take note of the All Church Business Meeting on November 17 from 5-6:00 pm at the Hazel Dell Campus.  This meeting is to give you ALL the information about the potential building purchase for the Hazel Dell Campus.  If you attend Battle Ground, this is for you as well!  We are one church that is looking to use our money to best impact those all over Clark County.

We have about 100 children on any given Sunday at North Creek Church.  And we have the best volunteers on the planet who love, serve, and teach them throughout the year.  Thank you so much for investing into the life of a child.  Want to help?  Fill out a volunteer form at

Jordan (at BG) and Matt (at HD) both knocked it out of the park with worship on Sunday.  A shout out to their teams as well!  It takes a lot of work to lead people in worship each week.  By the way, how is your worship life?  Are you taking those precious moments to turn your attention on Jesus?

Josiah preached at Battle Ground on the life of John the Baptist.  Isn’t it fun to watch Josiah preach?  He is extremely gifted in memorization and will rattle off a full chapter of the Bible in the middle of his sermon…every time!  It’s fascinating!

We also kicked off Be Present at Hazel Dell.  This one is near and dear to my heart because it is solely rooted in where our hearts really are.  We focus SO much on the fear in this world when we look at our giving and don’t put near enough focus on the power of God.  He’s going to take care of us.  It’s OK to be generous and trust Him.  This will be a great service as we head into the Christmas season.

Here’s our Christmas Schedule so you can plan ahead:

December 10 & 11 – Simply Christmas Concert/Worship Night

December 22 – Christmas Celebration Service

Hope that you have an amazing week and that you look outside of yourself this week!  Be blessed!

I was barely a teenager when Rich Mullins wrote a song that he described as “the worst song he had ever written” and “poorly crafted”.  The song was called Awesome God and it took off like wildfire in the worship world in the late 80’s.  It would become the symbol and reminder for me of hope, of power, and of salvation.

The first time I heard this song, I was at Glacier Bible Camp in Hungry Horse, Montana.  I had gone to camp for the last few summers and had accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, but I had no way to get to church the rest of the year.  My entire spiritual life banked on the five days I was at camp every August.

I could probably describe every square foot of that chapel at camp where I first heard this song because so many of my life changing moments happened there.  I can remember where I was at the altar on a Tuesday night in August, 1986 crying out to make Jesus MY God.  I threw my arms around my friend’s neck and thanked her for introducing me to a Christ I had never known.  There were no words in that moment.  Years later, I spilled tears of anger on that same altar and found the forgiveness I needed to walk victoriously through my life.  I would first feel the Holy Spirit and His power in that room.  Then there would also be a sweet moment when I would go back, many summers later, as a Kid’s Camp Counselor.  I stayed late one night after all the kids left to weep over their lives.  It was then that I first felt the burden of Jesus’ love for people.  It was a confusing feeling for my human heart until our District Youth Director laid his large hand on my shoulder and explained what a pastor’s heart felt like.  God had called me to ministry.

Whenever I hear that old song about our Awesome God, I am taken back in time to those moments.  I can close my eyes and picture the first time that the band began to play.  The words popped up on an overhead projector and as I read them, truth filled my young soul.

Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an awesome God

Wisdom, power, and love.  This awesome God they were speaking of was filled with what I felt like I lacked in my life.  He had the answers, He had the capability to move mountains, and He loved me.   I began to sing out as loud as I could, determined to let my voice rise above the hundreds of other kids in the room.  I know that God saw me, struggling to get enough air in my lungs to sing my tribute to Him.  I was never loud enough on this earth, but I am sure that my voice was echoed in Heaven those nights at camp.

To read that Rich Mullins thought that this song was his worst makes me smile.  What makes it so interesting is that what he considered a failure is the very thing that God used to stamp His memories in my heart and change the course of my life.  It is like a signature for me to remember that when I feel like my efforts are poorly crafted and lacking, that may be the very thing that God uses to exalt Himself.  That simple song is a constant picture to me to turn over my efforts to an Awesome God and see what He can do with His wisdom, His power, and His love.

So, don’t worry so much about where you are weak today.  Just turn over those weaknesses to a God who spoke into darkness and created light.  He can do the same with the song in your heart as well!

If you’d like a flashback in time, click this link to hear the song that changed my future: Awesome God