There are some years that I am so thankful to see the year go…this is not one of them. I loved 2009. I learned so much about myself, grew in some key areas that I wanted to grow in, and I feel like I understand obedience and the power of God more than ever before in my life. Much of this has been cemented in my spirit in the last 365 days, so it is with a bittersweet heart that I kiss the year goodbye.
That being said, I am excited for 2010 as well. I have begun to think of some personal and life goals to tackle in the upcoming decade. I definitely want to travel more…both for missions and for my family vacations. I want to continue to read the Bible and help my kids develop this habit as they will move into their teen years in the next decade…yikes! I want to make wise financial decisions and get to a place where I am giving away more money than I am keeping for myself. I want to be a part of God’s story and see our church grow to thousands…which will still be a drop in the bucket.
What are your goals and dreams? What are your desires for the new year? Don’t just let the days click by. Decide who you want to be and go after it. Be a dreamer and a “do-er” in the new decade. Welcome to your fresh start!