

Lots of plates are spinning now, which is very exciting!  In case you are just jumping in, our church bought a 96 year old building with an awesome history and an even more awesome amount of neglect.  It’s been a crazy journey watching this mountain move!  We are still waiting for our big TI permit to be approved by the county, so there are still things we can’t do, but with the roof on Building A all sealed up, it allows us to begin to do so many of the more minor, but important projects on our list.

In the last month, we have taken advantage of the sunny days to get some of the landscaping hurdles out of the way.  Just removing the garbage and yard debris from the property seems like it has been a full time job.  It was a jungle out there with way too many places to hide!  We have made a good dent in the war against ivy and blackberries.  We also built a small retaining wall in front of the world’s largest waterfall (it’s the big blue monstrosity in the background).  We also started taming down the ugliness on the waterfall with some paint and TLC.  We have a few hundred more steps to conquer that madness, but trust me…it will eventually look great.  We continue to chop down bushes and shrubs around the building.  We will be putting more in, but everything had been neglected for so long that saving them was too difficult.


We also got the storage area roof all sealed up, which allowed us to pack our belongings there to open up the space for the upcoming construction and paint.  That was a huge thing out of the way which will make everything much smoother.  You can see in the first picture the piles of trash that turned into a beautiful roof!

We also stripped off the old rotten wood lining the roof around the front building.  The roof guys have a new cap to put on the top edges that will be done soon.  We are also currently figuring out a plan for the front awning, which is a large structure.  A contractor was out there to dig into it to see what our best options are going forward.  It was previously made of wood, which was significantly more rotten than we first thought, so it’s got to be repaired and sided with a more appealing look…at least that’s our current plan.  Contractors and engineers have to make sure that’s the best idea before we move forward!  Either way, we will be saying goodbye to the 70’s Mexican Restaurant feel and going with a clean, simple façade instead.

We sure appreciate each one of you who show up to help with whatever is on the list.  It looks really horrible right now, but we are close to pressure washing and painting the front building, which will help so much!  We literally have someone stop every time we are there to tell us how glad they are that we are fixing it up.  People are excited that we care about their community…first the aesthetics and then the rest of the needs around us!  Together we can redeem this corner and then watch Jesus redeem lives in His church!

Things we need:

  1. An old fence that someone is tearing down.  We have an art project we are doing and we need lots of reclaimed wood.  It can’t be rotted, but old is fine!
  2. A cat with a scoop that can dig out some stumps we have.  Anybody have access to one of those?

We will continue to keep you updated, but if you are interested in being a part of our volunteer crew, we post opportunities on our Going Home Facebook page.  Just click the link and we’ll get you added!  Good days are ahead!!!



The party has started!!!  All month we are celebrating our TEN YEAR anniversary.  We are excited beyond measure to share the stories, honor people along the way, and thank Jesus for all that He has done.  And the best is yet to come!!!

As part of our celebration, we will be handing out free Coffee Church shirts all month.  We already ran out, so the new order has been placed!  Aren’t our people the best?  The shirts are free, but pass on the blessing by giving extra to our missionaries around the world.  We are highlighting four missionaries this month in honor of our ten year and we want to be generous with all that God has blessed you with.  What a privilege!

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We also passed out coffee tins with coffee candy in them and a note about our story.  You’ll have to watch the sermon below to truly appreciate the history of our coffee tins!  It’s been quite the adventure, but with all of the challenges, all of the ups and downs…it is WORTH it!

We took a special offering for our FIRST missionaries, Chris and Heather Schneider.  Ironically, I just got off of a Facebook conversation and they have a need of about $4000 right now.  Would you take some time and pray that God would provide for them?  Make sure you listen to see if God would have you sacrifice as well.

ALSO, you can sign up for our Growth Groups right now.  Signups are going great as our groups prepare to start next week.  See your options at

And a special shout out for our young adults group.  They are knocking it out of the park right now, so if you’re out of high school and need a great group of people to hang out with, register under the Growth Groups link and they will track you down! 🙂

AND congrats to all of our new 6th graders who celebrated their first night at The Difference Youth.  I’m pretty excited for you all because I know what the last year in youth group has meant to my own daughter.  It’s a special place!

AND our Kindergartners are on their way to KidCity!  It’s a big transition for our young ones, but it’s an EXCEPTIONALLY well run class for our K-5th Graders.  If your kindergartner isn’t one that makes transitions easily, talk to our kid’s pastor, Andrea Garner.  She is very helpful and takes the time to make sure kids go at the best pace for their personality.  You can contact her at  She also loves having other moms and dads volunteer,  so if you’d like to be a part of your elementary schoolers spiritual growth at church, let her know that as well!

Speaking of Andrea…HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best kid’s pastor and one of my favorite people!!!  You are a joy to do life with and I am grateful for your investment into my kids!

Phew!  Make sure you are at the next three weeks of church because we are just scratching the surface of FUN! 😉

Here’s the video of last week.  You’ll enjoy the history!


2016-07-15 18.56.35Congrats to Nate and Jessica on getting MARRIED!!!!!!  We started the weekend watching these incredible people commit to spending the rest of their lives together.  It has been such an awesome summer to watch two couples in our church choose to have God-honoring relationships as they walked in purity and respect for each other and their families.  That’s the way to do it, young people!  When the world tells you that living together outside of marriage is OK, it’s not!  Honor Him and He will honor your marriage!

Our kids arrived home on Friday from Summer Camp.  They had a GREAT week full of fun and Jesus moments.  Thank you to Mark and Andrea for spending a week with our kids.  Your investment will have lifelong benefits to these young lives.  I met Jesus at Kid’s Camp, so I know firsthand the impact one week can have!  There is no better investment into the lives of our children than a consistent attendance at church and summer camp.  It creates amazing friendships and a strong foundation of how to follow Christ.

We still have Deaf Family Camp just around the corner, so continue to pray for that as well!

We had our second week of our Throwback series where we are revisiting core principles of Christianity.  To add in a touch of fun our band is playing some songs from the 90’s (yeah, that’s Throwback..weren’t the 90’s like YESTERDAY!?!?!).  This week was a song mashup of lots of oldies.  Did you enjoy watching Chris Harold rap to DC Talk???  Definitely something I’ll remember until my death!

Mark your calendars for Latin Night on August 14.  We’ll be having a Latin inspired potluck with a ton of great food and conversation!  More info coming soon!

We would love for you to volunteer on Sundays with us.  It is the best way to meet other people and be a part of North Creek.  You can find the form at

2016-07-17 09.41.07On an exciting note I turned 40 on Sunday!  It was so much fun to celebrate with my church family.  Thank you to everybody for the wishes, the cards, and the hugs!  When I was born, my mother’s best friend gave birth to my first best friend just nine days later and right next door.  She moved to Vancouver from Phoenix about six weeks ago, so on Sunday morning we took a picture together as we have celebrated every birthday together for the last 40 years.  Happy ALMOST Birthday, Robin!  

I love doing life with people.  Sign up for a Growth Group this fall when it comes around.  Or invite some “strangers” to lunch after church.  Or set up a coffee date with someone and ask them what their story is.  You’ll never be fulfilled in life playing it safe in relationships.  Dive in and love people with abandon!  It’s messy, it’s challenging on the schedule, and it’s SO worth it!

Well, Church, I love you!  I love the ups, the downs, the lessons, and the leaps that we all take together.  God is faithful in all of it and I wouldn’t choose another life for anything.  Thank you for showing me God’s love as we walk down this path side by side.  Here’s to another 40 years of seeing what He has in store for me!  I can’t wait!

What a week in our nation…it seems all too often that I start my blog with grief for our current events.  I am more convinced than ever before that America needs a complete transformation of our beliefs and morals.  We have abandoned the sacred for our own agendas.  We must get back to the foundation that we are the ONLY ones responsible for our sins, we are to be held accountable, and we cannot blame others or institutions for our failures.  Simply put:  If you do wrong, you need to be held accountable.  We also need to get back to a measure of respect.  Respect for our police, respect for people regardless of color, respect for basic humanity.

How can you do your part?  I think the absolute greatest thing that we can all do is to raise our kids with the expectation that they need to be responsible and respectful.  Too often we blame teachers, pastors, coaches, etc. for our kid’s struggles rather than asking ourselves how to help our kids be respectful.  If your coach asks you to be at practice on time…show up early.  Don’t complain about your children’s authority figures, but rather help them learn communication skills.  Force them to confront appropriately when they are offended and help them understand conflict resolution.  If your kids are disrespectful to you, don’t let them carry around the cell phone you’re paying for and drive the car that you bought for them.  Let’s shrug off the entitlement that has seeped into our nation and go return back to the humility that should surround Christ followers.  I’ll save more on that topic for another day…

Sunday was FUN!  We kicked off our new series “Throwback”.  We’re looking back to the simple facts of Christianity.  To highlight our series, the band are playing key songs from the 80’s and 90’s.  You won’t want to miss this Sunday as Matt is doing one of his famous mashups!!

On another note, our Battle Ground building has CLOSED!  We are officially done selling our property and can now move forward on our quest for one central location.  Thank you for going on this journey with us.  It has been long, but so blessed by Jesus along the way!  He has taught us a book full of wisdom!

Our kids left for summer camp on Monday morning.  They were all RIDICULOUSLY excited for an exceptional week.  Please pray that Jesus touches their hearts this week in profound ways.  They are not too young to be changed in the presence of our God!

We are gearing up for Nate and Jessica’s wedding on Friday.  Jessica was one of our “church plant kids” who sacrificed a lot to do what God has asked of her.  I find it more than ironic that she is marrying a man that she met in the church that she helped start!  Congrats to both of you!!!!

Mark your calendars for August 14.  We are opening our home to a giant Latin night.  We’ll cram as many people in our house and yard as possible!  The Brizuela’s will be making homemade papusas, and the rest of us can bring our favorite Latin inspired dish!

In the fall we’ll be kicking off our Growth Groups again.  I have missed our group and look forward to connecting with them again…and some new faces as well!!!  If you are interested in hosting or leading a group, would you email  He would love to hear from you soon as he’s already planning some amazing things!

Good things are ahead!  I feel a great sense of excitement as we turn the next corner.  Here we go!!!!!


So much to celebrate over our Easter weekend!  Thank you to our incredible team of volunteers who serve faithfully to provide a great environment for so many people to experience the love of Jesus.  My heart is full as I reflect on the privilege it is to be a part of this church and each of your lives!

Our Good Friday was off the hook with our baptism service as we dunked 14 people.  You can see a bunch of pictures on our Facebook page at North Creek – The Coffee Church.  Each story was incredible to hear as God is truly and deeply changing lives.  My family’s personal moment was watching my daughter, Delaney, baptize her friend, Laurie.  She was a big part of Laurie coming to church and was thrilled to be a part of that moment with her.  The other part of the story is that Laurie then invited her friend Kira who was also baptized on Friday.  That’s people being the church!

baptismEaster Sunday we had 330 people who joined us in giving honor to our Resurrected King.  Matt and Rachel wrote an gorgeous song about True Love to go with our theme and Mark preached a great message out of Matthew.  Our Deaf Church had a huge potluck to celebrate as well.  It was an awesome morning!

In our kid’s class we had 9 kids raise their hand to accept Jesus.  WHOOO HOOO!!!!  That’s why we get up in the morning.  Then they all got eggs with candy and stickers on their way out of the door.

We also took an offering for Charity Water to help provide clean water for people all around the world.  We’ll have the final total soon as we tally up all the giving, but we’ll be right around $7000, which is PHENOMENAL!  So thankful we are part of a generous church.  You are still welcome to give at under the Be Present link.

In the middle of all of the chaos of Good Friday and Easter we also had a gymnastics meet on Saturday for Kennedy in Kennewick, WA.  We made the whirlwind trip in between our baptism service and our Easter service.  She had a strong meet and walked away with first place all around, which was awesome!  She also placed in all other four events – 1st on beam, 2nd on vault, and 3rd on floor and bars.  Proud of my little athlete who gives all the glory to Jesus!

I ended the weekend with a full cup and long nap to recuperate from all the excitement.  Now I’m ready to dig in, watch our church grow, and continue to change the world with the message of Jesus.  Let’s do this!