July 10 Coffee Church Highlights
What a week in our nation…it seems all too often that I start my blog with grief for our current events. I am more convinced than ever before that America needs a complete transformation of our beliefs and morals. We have abandoned the sacred for our own agendas. We must get back to the foundation that we are the ONLY ones responsible for our sins, we are to be held accountable, and we cannot blame others or institutions for our failures. Simply put: If you do wrong, you need to be held accountable. We also need to get back to a measure of respect. Respect for our police, respect for people regardless of color, respect for basic humanity.
How can you do your part? I think the absolute greatest thing that we can all do is to raise our kids with the expectation that they need to be responsible and respectful. Too often we blame teachers, pastors, coaches, etc. for our kid’s struggles rather than asking ourselves how to help our kids be respectful. If your coach asks you to be at practice on time…show up early. Don’t complain about your children’s authority figures, but rather help them learn communication skills. Force them to confront appropriately when they are offended and help them understand conflict resolution. If your kids are disrespectful to you, don’t let them carry around the cell phone you’re paying for and drive the car that you bought for them. Let’s shrug off the entitlement that has seeped into our nation and go return back to the humility that should surround Christ followers. I’ll save more on that topic for another day…
Sunday was FUN! We kicked off our new series “Throwback”. We’re looking back to the simple facts of Christianity. To highlight our series, the band are playing key songs from the 80’s and 90’s. You won’t want to miss this Sunday as Matt is doing one of his famous mashups!!
On another note, our Battle Ground building has CLOSED! We are officially done selling our property and can now move forward on our quest for one central location. Thank you for going on this journey with us. It has been long, but so blessed by Jesus along the way! He has taught us a book full of wisdom!
Our kids left for summer camp on Monday morning. They were all RIDICULOUSLY excited for an exceptional week. Please pray that Jesus touches their hearts this week in profound ways. They are not too young to be changed in the presence of our God!
We are gearing up for Nate and Jessica’s wedding on Friday. Jessica was one of our “church plant kids” who sacrificed a lot to do what God has asked of her. I find it more than ironic that she is marrying a man that she met in the church that she helped start! Congrats to both of you!!!!
Mark your calendars for August 14. We are opening our home to a giant Latin night. We’ll cram as many people in our house and yard as possible! The Brizuela’s will be making homemade papusas, and the rest of us can bring our favorite Latin inspired dish!
In the fall we’ll be kicking off our Growth Groups again. I have missed our group and look forward to connecting with them again…and some new faces as well!!! If you are interested in hosting or leading a group, would you email chris@coffeechurch.com? He would love to hear from you soon as he’s already planning some amazing things!
Good things are ahead! I feel a great sense of excitement as we turn the next corner. Here we go!!!!!