
Monthly Archives: June 2015

Happy Belated Father’s Day to all of the incredible men that call North Creek home!  We are grateful for your example to our kids!

All of our men got Dad’s root beer on Sunday as a gift, which just made me jealous as I love root beer!  Especially poured over ice cream…

Our teenagers are currently at camp and having an amazing time.  We took 45 people all the way to Silver Lake, which is right by Spokane to join about 600 other teenagers for a week.  That’s just a whole lotta fun packed into one camp.  Would you continue to pray that God uses this week in profound ways?

Our younger kids leave for camp on July 13, so we are also praying for them as well.  My life was changed at summer camp, so it’s near and dear to my heart.

Did you know we have a Women’s Prayer meeting at our Hazel Dell campus every Thursday at 10:00 am?  You are welcome to join us as we pray for our church and community.

We are still in the process of navigating bringing our two campuses together permanently.  We have so appreciated your thoughts and conversations over the last several months as we’ve talked to those of you who invest deeply in our church.  We are grateful for your wisdom!

Are you ready to get baptized???  We have our BIG Baptisms and Brunch service in one month and would love to have you as a part.  Here is the direct link to get signed up to be baptized: CLICK HERE

We are looking forward to several Wednesday night activities starting in mid-July.  We have the sole purpose of helping our church meet each other, spend time together, and enjoy some good food.  Below is our flyer of activities and the campus that they are located at.  Plan to attend as many as you can!  It will be great way to connect for you and your kids!

I hope you have a wonderful week!  We can’t wait for our teenagers to come home with testimonies of all that Jesus has done in their hearts and lives.



My dear church, I have been lost in the love of God during my prayer times lately.  I sense He is calling you just as He is calling me.  It is my hope to pull you into His sweet presence with me. Would you take the next ten minutes, play the song above, read my prayer below and ask the Holy Spirit to birth in you a fresh desire for Him?  I believe, even now, He can meet you just where you need to be met.




Heavenly Father,

My prayer today is for my precious church.

God…Holy God…Pour out your Spirit with a fresh passion on Your people.

I know You are calling.  Calling Your children back to Your heart and back to Your authority.  You wake me with tears running down my cheeks, broken for a nation. Our nation.

God, we are lost, we are so very lost.

Holy Spirit, give us repentant hearts.  We are sinners.  We are unholy.  And we fail you.  Birth in us a deep humility.  A true faith in Christ that is marked by repentance. May we draw the boundaries in our lives, not by the world’s standards, but by Your standards.

I pray a rich spiritual hunger in our hearts.  May we have an insatiable need for your Word, be called to your throne in prayer, and be uplifted in power by your Holy Spirit.

I pray for the weak, the depressed, and the down trodden.  Your children are not bound by the world’s life-taking gravity, but we are called to a higher purpose.  Freedom is found in Your face.  May we seek You with all of our hearts and may you release us from those chains.

I pray for our youth and children.  May they be mighty.  A generation with a boldness and a fight in their souls.  They have been lied to…Lied to about sexuality, lied to about worth, and lied to about power.  I pray for an unwavering strength in their determination and their direction.

I pray for a great cloud of witnesses in our church who will proclaim the love of Christ without hesitation.  You are our salvation, our joy, and our hope.  May we return to our first love and declare Your glory.

And Lord, give us hearts to worship with abandon.  May we set aside the distractions and spend the time worshipping you daily.  May we get up from those moments and carry the power of the Holy Spirit with us in a way that sets us apart.

God, we are desperate to see the God of miracles be set free to work in our midst.  The Healer, the Anointer, the Victor.  We long for Your power to be displayed in our church, our lives, and our community.

Let the Heavens open.

God, Holy God, let the Heavens open on our nation.


Sunday church was awesome!  We are so excited for all that Jesus is doing in our church!  We are praying for the Holy Spirit to change hearts and lives and it has been fun to watch Him show up!  Make services a priority.

By the way, did you see the article going around Facebook that church attendance equates to a lesser divorce rate?  That’s a great reason to get to church!  Just sayin’.

Sunday was also HOT!  I love the summer weather, so I’m not complaining!

We got to have lunch with the Garners (our Hazel Dell worship leaders), which was a blessing to be with dear friends.  Andrea broke her ankle several weeks ago and is almost back to normal, so we are thankful that God helped them through that busy time.  Thank you to all of you who brought food and helped with Andrea’s Tiny Town responsibilities as well.

Mark has now announced at both campuses that we are praying and preparing to bring our two campuses into one centrally located campus.  We do not have all of the details and how this will look in the end, but we are asking you to pray and let us know your thoughts.  We welcome any questions as well at  To give you the broad strokes, we would sell or rent our current facilities and set up at Prairie High School until the right facility worked out.  It is our heart’s desire that we come together in unity and see how God can use North Creek to reach more people faster.

Summer camps are quickly approaching and we could not be more thrilled for our teens and students at both our hearing and deaf churches.  We have 44 people already signed up for youth camp, which is a record for us.  Kid’s camp forms are coming in over the next two weeks and we are anticipating a phenomenal turnout for that as well.  Deaf church is gearing up for their camp at the latter part of July.  I have to say a big THANK YOU for those of you who have hired teenagers, given scholarships, and made it possible for these kids to get to camp.  We are humbled and honored to serve a church that loves young people.

We had a work day at each campus to get our facilities ready for summer.  We got a lot done and everything looks amazing!  Thank you to everybody who pitched in.

We announced our plan for our Summer at North Creek.  For 6 weeks in July/August we’ll be using Wednesday nights for various events, such as BBQ, ice cream party, potlucks, and game nights.  We are keeping it simple, but wanted to give our churches the opportunities to meet some new people and enjoy some good food!  All of the dates and details will be up on the web soon so that you can plan ahead!

We love this church, we love hanging out with you, and we love the journey that God is taking each one of us on to better reflect Him!

Be blessed this week!
