August 21/22 Highlights
This weekend at church was one of the highlights of my life!
When we decided to launch a church we really hoped to see people accept Jesus, get baptized, be changed on the inside, hear the call of God in their lives, and step out in faith. This weekend we got to watch Lee Malone, whose entire family has experienced all of that at North Creek, preach his first sermon! And not only that…he did a GREAT job! It was such a cool moment for us to be a part of in his life!
Saturday night I accidentally made 60 cups of soapy coffee…that’s just awesome! Sorry about that to those of you who had a very “clean” cup of coffee!
Got to hold baby Zoey at church…LOVE all of these babies around! The more the merrier in the nursery!
The kitchen-to-kids-room renovation is going along just wonderfully. This week will be a fun one as the changes get more noticeable. It’s so clean in there today that I would actually eat off of the floor! Thank you to Janzten, Olivia, and Keagan who have put ALOT into that kitchen. They have literally left their names on the place…but you’ll never see them!
My in-laws are amazing! They take the girls during the busiest times, which allows me to do ministry and my daughters still have some stability. I wouldn’t have it any other way! Grandma and Grandpa’s house is like a second home.
Once again, a weekend full of guests! Thank you all for coming to our church. We are honored to be a part of your weekend!
Sunday at 9:00 am was back to “normal” in attendance. I think we have survived the crazy fluctuation after having added a third service about 6 weeks ago. If you are still willing to switch from 10:30 am to 9:00 am, that would be awesome!
It’s going to be a great week as we wrap up some of the projects at the church, it’s Mark and I’s anniversary, and we have a conference on Thursday with Andy Stanley as the speaker! It’s just a little bit of EVERYTHING that I love all at the same time.