God is so good! We had a good week at the Coffee Church and we hope you did too! Here’s a few highlights to note:
Our first service at Hazel Dell is getting pretty full! If it works for your family to move to the 11 am service, that would be awesome. We are also tossing around a minor schedule adjustment to help with our “problem”. We like problems like that…
Our El Salvador missions trip team is preparing to leave next month. If you would like to help them, just write El Salvador team on your offering and we will add it to their account. We have four adults and six teenagers who are going to do LOTS of ministry over 9 days! They could use a last minute push in their finances after working so hard to raise money over the last six months. Also, add that team to your prayer list!
We have a lot going on this month at North Creek! I wanted to make you aware of some important calendar items:
Simply Worship – March 6 @6:30 pm at Hazel Dell Campus
Join us for an evening of worship and prayer on Friday, March 6. This is an incredible opportunity to worship, be prayed over and pray for others, take communion, and allow God to work in your heart! Childcare is provided.
Annual Business Meeting – March 15 @ 5pm at Hazel Dell Campus
Once a year we have an annual business meeting for our members to let you know about the state of the church. While our ministries seemed to thrive all year and we ended up with record baptisms, 2014 was not an easy year financially for our church. We would like you to come to our annual business meeting so you can better understand the big picture. Your investment into North Creek is vital to our mission to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus! Childcare is provided. If you’d like to bring a plate of cookies to share, that would be great!
Volunteer Training – March 21 @ 10 am – BOTH Campuses
If you are currently a volunteer or would like to be one, we are having an All Volunteer meeting to go over pertinent details to ministry. Childcare is provided. This is happening at BOTH campuses, so attend your campus’ location.
Kid’s NITRO Conference – March 27-28 – $120 for 2nd-5th graders
Our kids will be heading to NITRO again this year! This is an incredible overnight trip for our kids to worship, learn about Jesus, and get to know friends! Registration is due March 15, so email kim@coffeechurch.com and she will send you a registration form.
Easter Service at Prairie High School – April 5 @ 10 am
We will be taking our church to Prairie High School for ONE CHURCH on Easter Sunday! More information and invite cards are coming soon.
Whew! On that note, I hope you jump into some of these events in order to develop relationships and deepen your walk with Jesus. We appreciate your involvement, your giving, and your support! We trust God with this church and look forward to whatever may come!
Be blessed!