
Tag Archives: snowman

I called my mom yesterday to see how she was doing after a fall earlier this week where she hurt her ribs pretty badly.  She picked up the phone completely breathless and said, “Hi Chip!  How’s it going?”

“Mom, why are you out of breath?  Are you Okay?”

“Oh, yeah!  I was just out building a snowman.  Actually, it’s a snow girl!”

“Mom….why are you out building a snowman?”

“Well, you just never know when you’ll have good snow like that.  I try when the snow is dry, but it doesn’t work well at all, but today’s snow is wet, so it stuck good. She won’t last long though.  She should be melted by tomorrow with the way the weather is going.  It was sure a bit harder with my ribs, though!”

“Uh huh….”

“Your father thinks I’m nuts!”


In my mind I was picturing about a two foot snowman with sticks and rocks gracing it’s icy frame.  I pictured her rolling in agony as each rib rubbed hard against her body.

“I’ll send you a picture!”


When I got the photos, I laughed deep within my heart with a sweet and precious joy.

She wasn’t just building a snowman, she was enjoying the moment.

sandy 2

I stared at that snowgirl in my inbox for quite a while.  It was staring back at me reminding me of the most profound gifts that my mother instilled in me all those years ago.  It was as if that snowgirl made of something temporary was reminding me that this life is temporary as well.   She screamed at me through her red construction paper lips:


Celebrate the moments!

Throw out your to do list for fun!

Enjoy being by yourself!


Share your happiness with others!

Look for the opportunities around you that will quickly pass and SEIZE the moment!


Isn’t it so true that this life can suck the best out of you and replace it with stress, obligation, time constraints and conflict?  My mother and her ridiculous snowman reminded me that so much of the weight we carry is unnecessary.  It’s our job to look around and find ways to make this world a little brighter, make our hearts a little happier, and FIND JOY.


I hope that on this day you will take my mother’s legacy to heart.  She’s an amazing woman, who by the world’s standards hasn’t “succeeded” at anything “important”, but when the snowman melts and her life passes, my memories will be filled with one thing:  Joy.  Isn’t that the greatest gift we can leave with this world?

Be blessed today!