
Tag Archives: thief

It was another great Sunday at North Creek!  We are still rolling right along with a bit of less stuff as we are trying to sort through the trailer fiasco we’ve been dealing with!

I had a friend from High School send money to help.  It was AWESOME to hear from someone after 20 years and have them be so encouraging.  This has been an expensive bump in the road, so we really appreciate the extra help.  Thank you so much, Kristin!

We had a phenomenal worship time on Sunday followed by a great message in our series “Dangerous Prayers”.  If you have missed any of these messages you can find them online at  I’m actually preaching this week, so that will be fun!  You should come and join us because I am preaching on the MOST Dangerous Prayer.  Such a tease! 🙂

We also started North Creek U.  This first session is called Reading Your Bible for Understanding.  It was a great start to our new Sunday morning learning environments.  We will be having many of these opportunities scattered over the year on a variety of topics.  Some will be a one-week class and some will be multiple weeks to cover a bigger topic. You can jot down May 15 as a DON’T MISS Sunday.  Cheryl Bledsoe will be teaching a class on internet safety for your kids.  I am very excited to be a part of learning how to keep my kids safer in this digital age.  Feel free to invite anyone to this.  They don’t need to be a part of North Creek to register!  Sign ups will be out soon.

Apparently we were on KGW again on Monday night regarding North Creek getting the trailer back.  Also, the Battle Ground police department is doing an AMAZING job!  They think they have our thief in custody for another crime and are gathering evidence to make an arrest.  Our thieve’s quick departure to jail may be why our stuff didn’t get sold piece by piece.  We will keep you posted as our story unfolds!

We have good news to share about the Battle Ground campus on Sunday as well.  This journey of merging our two campuses has been one touch of God after the other.  He has been faithful at every turn, although our human hearts sure wanted to panic a few times!  We look forward to moving toward a permanent facility as the Lord enables and finding our home.

How can you help get us to where we need to go?  Easy answer!  Consistent monthly giving.  As we approach the possibility of buying a new building, our lending agency will look at our monthly capacity to pay our bills.  The more capacity, the better the step we can take.  I am happy to say that we have made budget so far this year, while also giving substantially more to missions, as well as nearly $7000 to Charity Water.  That being said, our budget is down to it’s bare bones, so getting our giving up will speak volumes to our future.  See for easy, online giving.

So, onward we go!  So much to dream about, so much to do!  Thanks for going on this journey with us!