April 13 Coffee Church Highlights

Such a gorgeous weekend!  For all you students, we hope you enjoyed Spring Break.  Couldn’t have been any nicer weather!

Battle Ground enjoyed a packed house last weekend.  Awesome!   We would love for you to volunteer one Sunday a month as we grow.  You can find the volunteer form at www.coffeechurch.com.

Over at Hazel Dell we finished most of the parking lot and were pretty excited to say goodbye to our previous mud pit.  Thank you to the dozens of people who have come to help over the last four months of getting this building painted, cleaned, and looking sharp!  We still have lots of details to nail out, but all of the immediate problems are dealt with and we can function well in our new home.

Easter weekend is next weekend!  Plan on joining us twice if possible.  First for our Good Friday Celebration at Battle Ground and then again on Sunday for our Easter services.  We cherish the story of the death and resurrection of our Savior and look forward to sharing it with you.  Invite a friend!  Everybody is welcome at the Coffee Church.

On Sunday we expect extra people for our services.  You can help us by doing two things:  1. Come a little early.  It gives extra time for kid’s checkin, getting a cup of coffee, and getting into service.  2. Fill in the seats in the front and middle of rows first to better accommodate those people coming in after you.

That being said, we have great parking, plenty of chairs, and lots of coffee, so it will be a wonderful morning!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Caleb!  He wore a crown on Sunday and told me he was turning three, so I think he deserves a shout out.  I think we should all wear crowns on our birthdays…

Well, I hope this week is filled with love, peace, and joy in your life.  The Good News is that we serve a God who took away all of our sin and we are truly all walking comeback stories!  Be blessed!


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