April 24 Coffee Church Highlights

What a weekend and then a week!  First I had the privilege of preaching on Sunday and then we’ve spent the last three days at our Annual Pastor’s Conference, which is why this blog is a bit late this week.  We had a great time hanging with our other pastor’s friends and telling them how wonderful you all are! 🙂

Preaching was actually fun!  I try and avoid the spotlight as much as feasibly possible in ministry, but I felt like God gave me a message that He needed to say to North Creek. I encourage you to listen to it at www.coffeechurch.com.

We got to go out with a new missionary that we started supporting this week.  She serves in a dangerous part of the world and keeps her name out of social media for her own safety.  As I listened to her talk I was captivated by the bravery and courage that must take to go, as a single woman, into an uncertain world to tell them about our God.  Would you commit to giving more money to missions every month?  What an amazing group of people!

Speaking of giving, we are a few thousand dollars short this month and need to make budget by Saturday!  If you can help us out, you can give several ways HERE.  We are in the process of looking for a new building and every month counts when we go to ask for lending options.  Also, if you hear of a building that might work for us, pass on the info!

If you’re wondering what’s going on with our trailer situation, well…we are dealing with insurance companies….do I need to say any more?  We should have all of our stuff back in order in a decade or so…#itsjuststuff

Men!  Don’t forget to sign up for Men’s Conference coming up in May.  You can register at www.coffeechurch.com today!

We have one more week of our North Creek U class on How to Read Your Bible for Understanding.  We had one lady tell us that she applied what she learned and got WAY more out of her Bible reading already.  That is AWESOME!  I encourage you to sign up for various North Creek U’s coming up in the future to further the growth in your life.

Our youth ministry turns 7 today!  Happy Birthday to the Difference!  We are so proud of you!!!

God spoke a lot of things into Mark and I’s heart this weekend at Conference and I look forward to processing it all in the future.  I’m so ready to watch our community and nation change by the power and presence of an Almighty God.  How about you?  It will never be changed by systems, programs, and processes, but rather by a move of God that is unquestionable.

And I believe that move is coming!  Here we go!

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