February 12 Highlights
Where do I start with this weekend?!?!? One of our families yesterday said, “Man, alot goes on around here in a week at North Creek!” Yeah…that’s what I’m thinking. Here goes the summary:
Goodbye to the Wisecarvers! Scott and Tiffany (and girls!) had their last service with us yesterday before they move to Nashville to pursue their dreams. We love you!
Hello to Kingston! Our newest baby graced us with his presence yesterday. Marc and Amy look great!
We had four baptisms at our church this week. They were all teenage girls! Congrats to Devyn, Lydia, Artresa, and Sarah! It was great to see them publicly say, “I’m all in for Jesus!” (Although I think the microphone scared the Jesus right out of them for a minute!) Funny moment…apparently I had too much coffee yesterday and couldn’t keep the video camera still, so I asked the person next to me to hold it for me. Less coffee on baptism morning next time!
Some of you may not have even been aware, but Maple Grove’s congregation needed to vote last night to transition their corporation to ours for the upcoming merge. Maple Grove voted UNANIMOUSLY to merge last night. We found out in the midst of our board meeting, so it was a surreal moment for all of us to sit there and realize what God had just done. I am really not sure if we will EVER be able to grasp how God orchestrated this whole thing and how He will use this to multiply our effectiveness in Clark County. We will look back on Feb. 12, 2012 as a date that changed everything.
Some families from Maple Grove came to visit us yesterday and spoke at their church business meeting about what an incredible time they had in our service. Thank you for making them feel welcome and loved!
Mark spoke yesterday on character and integrity. If there was ever a man who constantly tries to do the right thing, it’s my husband. It’s an honor to serve alongside him. Great sermon on Paul’s life, but it’s also a reflection of his life!
Great job to Matt for leading worship yesterday! We have incredible people on our worship team who serve SO faithfully and beautifully. And now we need more…hint, hint, wink, wink! We’ll be asking for more volunteers than ever for our expanding ministries, so begin to pray about what God would have you do! It’s coming!
Mark got to answer a 2nd Graders questions about baptism in the foyer yesterday. It’s those sweet moments that make the day important.
Lots of new faces yesterday! Our challenge to you is to meet someone you don’t know EVERY Sunday. That same principle applies whether you have attended our church for 5 years or one week!
I will be blogging much more about the second campus details as the next few weeks unravel, but for now would you put it on your prayer list?
Have a great week!