February 5 Highlights
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I’m not a football fan, so this is not a National Holiday for me. I did make the effort to find out who was playing, so I’m pretty excited to see if the Packers win. Just kidding…
We are sure on a roller coaster of fun at North Creek! Lots of great conversations about the future and how excited people are to reach our community and the world for Jesus. Literally it seems as if everyone is on the edge of their seats in anticipation for the future. I’m not really sure I’ve experienced this type of momentum before. It’s fun!
Congrats to Marc and Amy Roy on the birth of their awesome little son, Kingston Joseph. Marc and Amy lead our young adults small groups and have a profound impact on the 19-25ish group in their everyday lives. We wish them the best and pray a blessing on them! Marc also owns Expressive Dance Hip Hop Studio. I’m thinking that little Kingston will have quite the swag going on as soon as he can walk. Someone please let me know if I just used the word “swag” correctly in that sentence…
We had a couple of visitors from Maple Grove this morning! Come on down anytime! You are more than welcome!
We are having our baptism Sunday next week! We have a portable hot tub, which is one of our most asked questions. If you have decided to follow Jesus for the rest of your life and haven’t been immersed and water…it’s T.I.M.E. Don’t wait another minute because your declaration of who Christ is in you is vital to your Christian walk. I’ll blog about that this week, but in the meantime, you can sign up at www.coffeechurch.com.
Our teenagers just got back from an amazing Generation Unleashed Conference. They are bursting with excitement! Did you know our youth group is averaging about 90 teenagers right now? One of their small groups meets in the church van in the parking lot because there’s no room left. That is the kind of church problems I live for. By the way, we have a solution for some more space for them, so we’ll have that problem temporarily solved in a week! My prayer is that so many more teenagers meet Jesus that we have the same problem very soon.
We went to Tiffany and Scott Wisecarver’s going away party last night. It was fun, except for the whole “going away” part. What’s up with moving to Tennessee??? Seriously, though, we BLESS them on the way out the door and know that God has great plans for their family!
Would you pray for Mark and I even more over the next few months? Everything we are dealing with is such a blessing, but it’s also exponentially more work and forces us to be better leaders. We are asking God for supernatural strength, wisdom, leadership ability, and a humble heart. We covet your prayers right now!
And we are praying for you as well! We know God is moving and changing hearts all over the place! Remember that you’ve only got ONE LIFE. Use it for His glory.