February 7 Coffee Church Highlights
Such a jammed packed weekend of people and fun! Congrats to the Broncos on their Super Bowl win!
Our good friends, Jeff and Angela, came down for the weekend. They helped plant our church 10 years ago and it was SO good to laugh, reminisce and catch up with their beautiful family! I had forgotten some of the most funny things about our early years as a church and I was literally rolling laughing over some of the memories. I am so grateful for the journey! Isn’t this a great picture of three of my favorite guys on this planet? So grateful for their friendship and partnership on the mission of Jesus.
Growth Groups started with great success this week! ALL of them were strong and had wonderful discussion over 1 Peter. If you’d still like to jump in, please do so! They are open groups that discuss the previous sermon. They also meet every other week, so it is an easy and fruitful commitment to make to help get to know some new friends. One of them is a Young Adults group that is doing really well, so if you are on the younger side of life, this is a good way to get connected. You can sign up anytime at www.coffeechurch.com.
We had a fun Super Bowl party on Sunday afternoon with a house full of people and kids! I’m not a football fan, but I am a people fan, so it was nice to be with friends and family for the afternoon.
I am LOVING watching the children worship in KidCity. If you have a heart for kids, talk with Andrea about how you can be involved! It is such a blessing to see the Holy Spirit working in the hearts and lives of our young ones. Speaking of kids…our Youth Camp is June 27 – July 1 and our Kid’s Camp is July 11 – 15. It’s always around $300, but worth every penny! Save those dates and the registration forms will come in a couple of months.
Our Annual Business Meeting is coming up on February 21. It will be at Prairie High School from 11:30 to 12:00 pm. We will keep the meeting to the top priorities and then we will hand you the current financial info and a packet with a report from each department so you can read about all of the good things happening at North Creek. Please plan on attending that meeting if you consider North Creek your home church.
I love what God is doing at our church. God has used various changes to remind us of our purpose and we are stronger than ever. Nothing else matters except leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus. Are you on mission with us? The world needs Jesus and North Creek will be a beacon to those searching for Him.
On a sad note, Skyview High School lost a student this week unexpectedly. Zayne Shomler was a friend to many of our students and we grieve with this family deeply. Will you pray for those that knew and loved this young man?
And students…don’t walk this road alone. Call a loving adult, show up to youth group, surround yourself with caring friends…grief is overwhelming and confusing. If you don’t talk to someone, it can literally swallow you whole. You are loved, valued, and cherished by the God of the universe. He won’t let you go.
Be blessed.