How To Launch a Second Campus in 35 Days

Nice title, huh? I thought about leaving the rest of the blog blank since I really don’t have the answer to this, but here we go anyway!

From the time Mark first spoke in Battle Ground until our launch, it will be 35 days. In that time we will renovate the building, do an advertising campaign, and acclimate 80 people into our vision and systems. Twenty-five people will be leaving the Hazel Dell campus and transitioning churches. We will double our worship team, kid’s volunteers, and host members. We need new signs, new offering envelopes, etc. The last time we did this we barely made it in 90 days. So, what’s our plan for success?

We’re praying. We’re praying that God provides the blessings for us like He did for Nehemiah. We’re praying for unity, we’re praying for open hearts, we’re praying for miracles. We’re praying that every financial need is met. We’re praying that deep friendships would bloom in the midst of work parties. We’re praying that God’s abundant strength would run through our leadership team like never before. We’re praying for wisdom. We’re praying that come launch day we would actually be refreshed and ready to do ministry like never before. In the midst of the work, we’re praying.

And the cherry on top of our sundae? We’re actually believing that God is so excited to answer those prayers!

See you on April 8.

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