January 17
My highlights from another great day at the Coffee Church:
Mark’s sermon was really good yesterday! I highly recommend watching it online at www.coffeechurch.com in the next couple of days.
Last week Chris Harold said he liked Post Raisin Bran in his sermon. This week we bought him 40 boxes of cereal just to bless him…that’s just the kind of funny church we are…
Loved this quote on Facebook yesterday, “We are reading Mark with our boys! Plus, Ben said, “Dad, read Phil. 2:4-5. It is very inspiring and good to read.” He was studying Phil. in the Great Adventurers today!
Yesterday Delaney was being a little shy about going into class and another older girl, Paige, welcomed her and said that she would be her friend for the day. HOW AWESOME! Kids who have been in our church less than a year are making the Pastor’s kid feel loved in class. That means a lot to me having a 5 year old introvert. She appreciated the friendly face and sometimes even a pastor’s kid needs that push!
Starting Point begins next Sunday. Pete Torres is going to do a phenomenal job. If you have a BUNCH of questions about God and this whole church thing, this is the place to get those questions answered. Email Pete at pete@coffeechurch.com. He’ll get you signed up!
Yesterday our Kid’s Leader, Mike, dropped off a card and a prize for Delaney at our front door. She was so excited to get a card with her name on it! Thanks, Mike, for loving our kids!
Marcus was a little fiesty in worship yesterday. I think I like it! š
Last night we dropped off a Coke Zero for Kris at her “other” job. I got to introduce my kids and husband to the homeless people that Kris and I work with. It’s hard to explain to young kids that people don’t have a place to live. Not a reality that I ever want her to experience.
First missions trip meeting for those people going to Mexico is tonight! I am so excited for our first missions trip.
It was nice to see so many people that I love so much!