January 22 Highlights
This might go down as one of the busiest, most fun, most intense, neverending, horrifying, encouraging, frustrating, amazing days of my life. It was about 20 hours of non-stop adventure, some of which will not be shared on my blog, but I’ll sure leave you wondering!
First of all, we broke our attendance record this morning! We had 270 people there and it was just a “normal” Sunday. Our parking lot was chaos at the 11 am service, so we are thankful for the overflow parking beyond the gas station. If you ever run into a problem finding a spot, parking over there is actually a shorter walk than the top of our parking lot.
The 9:30 service has room (although they had an attendance record this week as well!), so if you love church, but would rather not deal with parking and seating issues, that’s a great solution!
There’s another pregnant lady in our church who is due in July! That makes four July babies coming our way!
It’s fasting week at North Creek! Mark challenged us to fast SOMETIME this week in the way that God asks you to. I think telling a coffee-addicted church to fast is just downright hilarious. I see headaches in your future.
Mark spoke on persistent prayer yesterday. We have a prayer ministry that you can be a part of…just email prayer@coffeechurch.com to either sign up or leave your prayer requests. We’ve also began sending the prayer requests through and it’s amazing to have my inbox flooded with what people are believing God for. I am standing with these requests and believing for miracles at our church!
Congrats to Jim and Sarah Gilliam, whose church plant, The Link Church, turned one yesterday! We are excited with you for the future!
Leadership is H.A.R.D. There are thousands of details, conversations, and decisions that impact a lot of lives on a daily basis. Sometimes you succeed and sometimes you fail, but it’s worth it to keep on keeping on!
We went out to lunch with some visiting youth pastors, which is always fun! After over a decade of youth pastoring, we have a heart for people who serve teenagers on the front lines of ministry.
Our staff meeting was full of interesting moments yesterday. We are processing the future and some big decisions. We are all on an emotional roller coaster of decision making. If you see our team walking around with a twitch, just pray for them! They are amazing people that I am blessed to work with and fall apart around…
On that note, Josiah Thalhofer has the most calming voice in the universe.
At the end of our long day we crawled into bed and Mark said, “I am more tired than I can EVER remember being.” Two minutes later the phone rang and we were told that a friend of ours was on the way to the hospital. The good news is that all is well with his health now, but for a few hours in there we were beginning to wonder if the day would EVER end.
Today I am thankful that His mercies are new every morning! It’s a fresh start with a bright future. If you look back on your yesterday and wish you could delete something, just remember…God can delete the things in your life that are keeping you from a close relationship with him!