July 13 Coffee Church Highlights
Well, I am writing from hearsay this week as I was at a gymnastics clinic with my youngest daughter on Sunday! It was also the weekend my 20th High School reunion (that I wasn’t able to attend). It’s impossible that I graduated 20 years ago….just impossible. I’m ready to go to Heaven, but it sure seems that time makes that goal a little closer than necessary some days! You blink and half your life is on the history side!
Sunday was great! Kris Gray shared in Hazel Dell and Josiah Thalhofer shared in Battle Ground (hearing service). Don’t we have some amazing communicators in our church??? We are blessed and only wish we could hear from them more often. I enjoy the variety that multiple speakers give our church and I love that we all see different aspects of the Bible to bring out to other people.
Our kids are at camp RIGHT NOW! My two daughters are there and I couldn’t be more excited for them! I just know that God will do amazing things in their hearts and lives. Kennedy has already visited the nurse from eating too much candy in the van. I made the mistake of sending her with treats for the week….next time I’m sending broccoli. Would you pray for these precious kids and our three leaders this week? My life was changed at a kid’s camp in 1986, so I know the power this week can hold.
Speaking of camp…by sheer coincidence, my children are at the same camp this week where I met my husband 18 years ago this week. He got to show them where we met, where he asked me out, and the tree he climbed to impress me…truly that is amazing! I wish that someone could have just given me a glimpse of this 18 years ago! And who knows, maybe my grandkids will meet with Jesus at that same camp 18 years from now????
God is not a God of coincidence, though, is He? I’m sure He has a purpose and I can’t wait to see it all unfold.
Mark your calendars for August 17. We are having our big Baptism Celebration morning and we want you to be a part!
I got to have coffee with one of my long-time friends, Jana, on Saturday. It was a breath of fresh air to see her face and hear her amazing laugh! I am so grateful for friends that have known me for 20 years and have seen it all. There is nothing better than people who will stick with you through it all and love you on the other end. I also got to meet her twin grandbabies! SO adorable!
And it’s my birthday this week! I’ll be 38 and I’m pretty excited about it! I love my life, I love my family, I love my church. Living in obedience to Jesus has brought me great joy and priceless treasures. There are difficult times and dark seasons, but they are laced with His blessings and for that I am so deeply grateful.
I hope you are blessed this week as well!