July 31/Aug 1 Highlights
Mark and I are on vacation this week, so my highlights are a combo of our personal weekend and what we heard from North Creek! Here they are:
It’s healthy to be gone, but I don’t have to like it. I miss my church and the people in it. I miss the percolated coffee and the dingy bar that we call home. I miss the kids and Grandma Dix. I miss the stories and watching people do ministry. I miss it all!
On that note, Mark went to one church on Saturday night and we both went on Sunday morning to another church. We also have a church that we want to visit on Wednesday night. You might think that’s an odd way to do vacation, but we actually like visiting other churches! There’s always something to learn and to grow in…and great ideas to steal!!!!
Our church just survived the first weekend without lead pastors, a youth pastor, a children’s pastor, and the director of our preschool department…yikes! We all were on vacation at the same time by accident. Good news…our church is full of capable, amazing leaders, and I heard that nobody even realized we were all gone. That’s a high compliment to the type of church we have. A true body of Christ that compensates where needed to remain strong in all areas!
I delegated my list to Chrystal Steinborn. What a lady! I knew she would make sure that it all got done, but I was most impressed that so many people asked to help her that she was never overwhelmed and was able to accomplish all that I needed her to do and more..
Hats off to our regular staff who were there as well…the Youngs, the Malones, and the Harolds didn’t even flinch when we told them we would all be gone. I think they secretly said, “Finally, all of these Type A people are out of the picture and we can relax and have some fun!” HA! Who’s kidding who? We all know Chris Harold wins the prize for worst Type A!!!!
We are having a good time in Montana. This is the longest break we’ve had in 13 years and it has felt good to “forget” for a bit. But (as Kris Gray teases me about all of the time) when we get time off, we dream about all the new things we want to do. We usually come home much more passionate and motivated than normal…so brace yourselves!
I’ll write more later about some of our church experiences this week! I’m off for another night out on the town with Mark!