June 17 Highlights
Happy Father’s Day! We have some great men at our church and I am grateful for each one of you. Our country needs men who depend on the guidance of God, so everytime you lead your family through the doors of church, or lead them in prayer, or lead them in humility, you lead this country in a better direction.
We baptized a family on Sunday at the Battle Ground Campus. The father went first and wept through his testimony about how grateful he was to see his daughters live for Jesus. I got this email yesterday: “We are so thankful for all you did to make the baptism so special for us all, it was the greatest day of my life to see my girls be baptized. Again thank you.” No need to thank us…we are humbled to be a part of your story!
On another note, we did our annual tradition of grilling hot dogs for breakfast for the men. It’s always a funny tradition to think about, but the men seem to like it, so that’s what matters.
Just two weeks until our Baptisms and Brunch Sunday at the park. It’s definitely not to late to sign up to be baptized. You can do that HERE. Take note of the fact that we won’t be meeting at either campus that Sunday, but we will be at Klineline Park in Vancouver. You can get all of the info at coffeechurch.com.
Met a couple of new families yesterday! I love to see who God brings through the door every Sunday. Do you ever wonder if someone new is going to walk through the door that will change your life forever. Could happen!
We had our small group BBQ yesterday. The Lakins grilled ribs. Let’s just say those ribs will be served in Heaven daily. Our kids all ransacked the place and had a great time!
The last of the school districts all get out tomorrow. My kids are in that district that goes to the bitter end. My youngest wore her winter boots to school today, which is how we roll in June in the Pacific Northwest. We should have planted a church in Hawaii…
Lots of exciting things on the horizon for the Coffee Church. We’re heading into a busy summer of camps and missions trips. We believe that God will use these key times to do deep work in the hearts and lives of people within our church as well as half way across the world!
We are praying for you! We hope that you are blessed beyond measure. Have an exceptional week!