May 12 Coffee Church Highlights

Happy Mother’s Day!  I had a wonderful Sunday being loved on by my family!  I hope that you all did as well.

For those of you who struggle on Mother’s Day with either the death of a mother, child, or infertility, I prayed for you.  God has this amazing ability to write a beautiful ending to what appears to be a tragedy in your life.  Never give up hope because we serve a God dripping with grace and miracles.

Our worship team has been doing amazing Love Song specials for our Us relationship series.  I have LOVED them and think it was an awesome gift to our church to accentuate this very important series!

Are you having fun on the dates we are giving you?  SO important to work on your marriage!  If you don’t want to do pre-scripted dates, make up your own and enjoy time with the most important person in your life.

My daughter burned her leg really badly with a bowl of soup last week.  It was an interesting journey of wound care, worrying, and praying.  We are all amazed and impressed by how quickly she has healed.  We praise God that He takes care of our bodies and our hearts!

On June 30 we will be having our annual Baptisms and Brunch.  We combine all of our churches together for breakfast and baptisms… it’s my favorite Sunday of the year!  Mark your calendars.  If you know that you’d like to get baptized that day, we’d love for you to fill out a registration right now by clicking HERE.  We usually have a lot of baptisms, so it is a big help for organization when we can plan ahead.  That being said, there is never a point that it is too late to sign up.  We just want to celebrate your decision to follow Christ as a church family.

I am also looking for those of you will servant’s hearts who would like to set up and man the food tables that morning.  It’s going to be Potluck Style this year, so if you LOVE to serve, email me at  If you LOVE to eat, just show up!

We are also looking for one more set of small group leaders.  If you are interested in filling that spot or just have questions, please email Tasha at  Small groups start soon!  The summer session is a bit more relational, so you can look forward to some opportunities to make friends in creative settings!

Serving Jesus is a challenging and exciting journey!  I hope you are living the adventure!  Be blessed!





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