May 5 Coffee Church Highlights

What a gorgeous stretch of weather we are having!  We were in Hawaii on vacation last week and I must say that the sunshine made the transition back home EASY!

Mark and I feel refreshed after a week off of our regular schedule.  We opted not to have internet access while we were gone, so other than a couple of Starbucks runs to use their internet access, we were disconnected!  It was pretty fun to just enjoy the beauty of Oahu!

On another note, we were also very glad to be back at church yesterday!  Love North Creek, this series, and all that God is doing in our midst.  We really can’t say enough about our leadership team.  They are easy to walk away from and trust with the church, but they are also easy to come back home to!  Although, I must say, they all told me to stop texting them while I was on vacation…I just wanted to know how church went when we were gone…geesh!

Matt and Alissa have been working overtime to perform Love Songs for our congregation during our relationship series.  It’s been awesome and showcases just what amazing talent we have in our midst.  Thank you to the worship team as a whole for doing even more than you normally do to bless us!

We have another pregnancy in our midst!  Mike and Alecia have officially announced their baby coming this fall!  This one is particularly special to us as we have been praying for a decade for this family!  Sometimes God’s timing is not ours, but it is always purposeful and perfect!  Congrats to both of you!

Will you partner in prayer with our church?  We have a email prayer ministry that we’d love for you to be a part of.  Just email and we’ll get you signed up.  You will get prayer requests and you can also email your personal prayer needs.  Every week we have various needs presented and almost 200 people prayer over those emails.  Isn’t that cool!?!?!

We’ve had a lot of great things coming out of our relationship series!  The people who are choosing to do the dates we are providing (or come up with their own) are seeing profitable results.  Here’s something I’ve been thinking about:  when your spiritual authority asks you to do something, do it.  God has anointed His chosen leaders and He will bless your obedience.  We’ve personally seen that as we’ve asked for help from our spiritual authorities.  When they have given us guidance, and we’ve listened (despite our own desires), God has done amazing things.  I think we miss that in our culture because we don’t understand God’s view of authority and obedience.  Spend some time studying the Bible on that topic.  It’s fascinating!

We are in the process of assembling summer small groups!  If you are interested in leading a group, please email Tasha at  She will walk you through the big picture and see if it’s a right fit for you!  Our summer groups are highly relational, so if you have an out-of-the-box idea, let us know!

Well, I must get back to work!  So much to catch up on after being gone!  Be blessed!





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