Memorial Day Weekend
What a weekend! On Saturday we had 52 teenagers show up from Everett, WA to serve our church. They passed out 2900 postcards on people’s doorways with free latte coupons, they cleaned up our weed-ridden parking lot, and helped with many other little projects around the place. Thank you to each of you who came to help us!
Here are my highlights from Sunday:
I met an great new young couple that was looking for a laid back church…can you say “North Creek?” They said they had a great time with us that morning (it could have been the Rock Stars they were drinking…), but that is really our goal for a person’s first visit. Although spiritual issues are important, our first goal is simply to make you feel like you just walked into your home. Relax! Enjoy yourself! Get to know our hearts!
We had several new older people. I want more people who are over the age of 60 around me! They have wisdom that I need, want and miss coming from traditional churches. One older gentlemen said that he was trying our church because his was a little too “quiet”…well, come on in!!!!!
Our attendance was 130 on a holiday weekend! I was a little worried about having crickets chirping in the main auditorium on Sunday, but I was pleasantly pleased with lots of guests! Church is just simply more fun with people there.
My niece, Rosanna, was with me all weekend. She’s 20 and lots of fun to have around. My girls like her alot and she makes a mean batch of homemade cinnamon rolls. Yes, that makes her perfect.
Will is an awesome man of God who has a great call of God on his life. I can’t wait to see where he and Sarah end up in the world!
Mark’s message is haunting me. It was about keeping your word and your commitments. I have sure noticed some of the things that I’ve told my girls this week that I haven’t been able to follow through on…ugh. I’m trying!!!!!!!!!!! If you missed the message you should listen to it online at…if you dare….
I missed those of you who were out of town this weekend. I hope you enjoyed yourselves on little mini-vacations! It’s nice to get away! Now come back. I want to see you again soon!