November 1 Coffee Church Highlights

We had a great weekend as we kicked off a new series this weekend called “Let’s Talk”.  This series is based in relationships with a focus on communication.  Such good stuff whether you are married or single!  Join us for the next several weeks as we dig in to the Word of God in this area.

We are feeling great as we head into our 6th week of a massive transition for our church.  Our systems are going smoothly, our volunteers have been outstanding, and we are seeing new growth each week.  We are loving being mobile and taking a respite from the daily responsibility of owning a building.  We look forward to the future, but are enjoying the present as well!

We would love some new volunteers in a couple of key areas as well.  If you’d like to serve on our security team once a month, we’d appreciate several more people.  Basically, security is just people who walk around our key areas to make sure all is well.  We’d also love those of you who love working with kids to consider jumping in once a month in one of our kids areas.  If you’d like to serve, you can fill out a volunteer application at

We are enjoying how many people are coming early to have coffee and get to know some new friends. Our foyer is filling up by 9:30 am, which has given us some great opportunities to talk, pray, and create community.  Join us early on Sundays!

Also, we are praying in our auditorium during worship practice from 8:30 to 9:00 am.  It has been such an amazing moment to connect with Jesus and prepare our hearts for what is ahead.  Everybody is welcome, even your kids!

Thank you to everybody who has jumped in with our 12for12 missionary giving.  Just from our current commitments of $12 a month per family, we have currently TRIPLED our monthly missionary giving, which is AWESOME!  Thank you for your generosity.

Also, we appreciate your faithful monthly giving to North Creek.  Tithing is a HUGE part of our obedience to Jesus.  If we aren’t willing to let Him lead our finances, that is a stronghold we need to address in our hearts to fully live out the life Jesus has for us.

We prayed two weeks ago for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  We had several people lean into that prayer and some of them received that gift.  We encourage you to continue to seek all that God has for you in every area that the Bible teaches!

Our growth group had a Mexican potluck on Sunday that was INCREDIBLE!  I ate my weight in delicious food.  Just thought that was good advertisement for you to join a growth group in January.

Good things are going on at North Creek!  Invite a friend, jump in somewhere, and enjoy some great community!

I love this church!  I love Jesus!  I love what He has in store for a people who will submit to Him!  Let’s do this!

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