November 9 Coffee Church Highlights

A special shout out to all of our veterans at North Creek!  I have such a high respect for people who serve our country and protect our freedoms!

Sunday was a good day to be at church!  I really appreciate all of our people who show up early, serve in various capacities, and are such kind people to rub shoulders with!

Want to go on a missions trip?  Our next one is to El Salvador in April.  You can find all the info you want at!  Registration deadline is December 18, so it’s time to get your questions answered!

Calling all volunteers!  We are having a huge Christmas party to honor you on December 5.  All the info you need will be sent directly to you, but mark the date on your calendar because you will be SO bummed if you miss it!

Also, this month we are filling our food crate in the foyer for local food banks and families in our church who need some extra help.  Please bring your food in during the month of November.  High need items are: Canned and dry beans,  all varieties and sizes!  Brown and white rice,  soup & chili varieties, cereal, oats, crackers.    Hygiene items are always a plus too.

We have made up some ground in our giving from a drop in the summer months, and we are asking you to help us end the year in the black.  We are roughly $10,000 away right now assuming that we meet budget in November and December.  We’ve ended in the positive every year since we started North Creek and we’re planning to stick with that strategy!  Thanks for being a faithful church!

It’s supposed to snow tomorrow!  Sounds like a good reason to build a fire and get the cocoa out!

We will be having our Christmas Celebration service on December 21.  We will not be having a Christmas Eve service this year, so plan on being with us that Sunday to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

We ended last week with Gina’s memorial service.  Chris preached it and did an absolutely beautiful job.  We also had incredible music, a touching eulogy and a special gathering to say goodbye.  We will miss her so much, but it is in these moments that we are most thankful for eternity.

I hope to see you all on Sunday.  We are loving the series His Name Is.  After diving into the book of Mark in conjunction with our sermons, I feel like I am learning so much more about Jesus.  So good!

Be blessed this week!  And stay warm!

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