Sept. 18 Highlights
This weekend was packed with lots of incredible things! Here are my highlights:
We had a work party on Saturday…in the rain. So many wet, dirty people working for Jesus! The outside of the building took a major step UP as we cut down trees, ripped out bushes, spread red rock, pressure washed and hauled massive amounts away. Kudos to all of you who are landscaping geniuses and a special shout out to Nate for the permanent reminder we left on the back of his truck that looks a lot like the impression of a flying stump.
On Sunday we launched Small Groups signups. We have great options and a couple of the groups are nearly FULL! If you want in one, sign up now at
Rene came and repaired the area on the building where the bees nest resided. No more bees will be inhabiting that area. It’s done right!
Several women in our church weren’t there on Sunday because they were supporting friends in the Race for the Cure! Super proud of the great women in our church that deeply love and care for people who are dealing with monumental challenges. We have a strength from God that is worth sharing!
Starting Point is beginning in Oct. as well! This is a class for people who need a foundation in Christianity. Maybe you feel like you are swimming in church and really wish you had the broad strokes to give you a framework? Starting Point is the place for you! Signups are under our Small Groups link on the web as well. It’s $25 a person for the workbook, but you will find that you can understand the basics so much better!
We have a very hard working team! This renovation project has pushed them all to the limits, but as usual, the stress seems to make them even better. It is always a lot to ask of our staff to do a renovation project on top of their already very full plates! Thank you to Rachael for mopping up endless cement, Chris for unclogging toilets and scheming about decor, Lee for rainy trips to the dump pile, Helen for re-painting the wall that you swore you’d never paint again, Andrea for coming to mulitple services just to help me stay sane, Vanessa for ruining your tanktop for the kid’s ministry wall, Matt for reassembling sound equipment that we keep disassembling EVERY week just in time for worship practice, Kris for relocating 80 teenagers to an outdoor service in the rain, Joe for putting up with Kris while she relocated 80 teenagers, Amy for somehow getting 8 small groups off the ground, John for fighting with our floors…you will win in the end!, and Kim for trying to paint walls that you are too short to reach even with the ladder. We are blessed by your sacrifice!
I was in the Great Adventure on Sunday. Awesome kids! I had some of our 5th graders, Grace and Kennedy, lead my group for me. They rocked it! You are never too young to invest in someone else!
A shout out to Emily Boyd, Chelsey Fassett, and Karlie Lakin who were assistants in the Little Adventurers. They lead with grace, wisdom, and excitement. Way to go!
Volunteer! The good stuff happens when you are involved in the lives of people. You can sign up online under the Resources link.
It’s gonna be a crazy week leading up to our Five Year Anniversary this weekend. Five years…loved every minute.