Sept. 25/26 Highlights
What words to say???? My text falls short in comparison to my emotions. I feel like shouting from the rooftops… “WE MADE IT!!!” As I blogged earlier, the four year marker is substantial and we’ve arrived. I’m not blind to the fact that a thousand things could still go wrong, but nonetheless, for right now, I don’t care about that. I just care about all of the lives changed so far!
This weekend Mark and Chris co-preached. You’ve probably never done that, but it’s HARD. It’s very similar to a dance…if you are in tune with your partner, awesome…if not, well…Very clearly they danced perfectly and it was fun to be a part of! Watching those two men up there was inspiring for me. What godly examples of pastors, husbands, and dads. In the midst of the media frenzy with Bishop Long, I am grateful for men who stay as far away from the line of trouble as possible. Mark and Chris fight for integrity, honor, and lives above criticism. I watch them both go WAY out of their way to make sure there is no question about their conduct. Thank you on behalf of a church that doesn’t need you to be perfect, but we do need you to abide by a high moral standard. That wasn’t in my notes…
On Saturday, Catalina (a teenager), brought her entire birthday party to church! There were teenagers crawling EVERYWHERE, which is my favorite thing! Ten years of youth ministry means that my comfort zone is with people under the age of 20…
We had lots of guests again with us this weekend! Thanks for coming to the Coffee Church to celebrate with us! We hope you had a GREAT time with us.
A shout out to our worship team! You are all such an amazing blessing and you give SO much on a weekend. The talent you have is astounding and your hearts are amazing. Thank you for serving!
We had three highlight videos of Jessica, Sandy, and Nichole. There were all SO funny! Nichole wins for raw humor, though, because she actually kicked one of our advertisments off of her porch because she thought it was a bomb… Thanks to you awesome ladies who let your faces pop up on the big screen!
We had a baptism video with every baptism we have even done at North Creek. I cried everytime I watched that thing! Sixty-one baptisms in four years…every one of those lives in precious to my heart and I am so thankful that we got to be a part of their stories.
Here’s to another four!