September 11 Highlights
It was an interesting weekend of the 10th Anniversary of Sept. 11 falling on a Sunday. We took the time out to honor those lost so many years ago. Here are my highlights:
I love our country! I am proud to be an American and live in our country. I think we are often guilty of complaining about all the things wrong rather than strengthening who we are by focusing on all of the things right. That’s true in church as well!
As I’ve written about before, we have 22 children on our staff in the age range of 1-17. Only 2 of our kids are actually teenagers yet, so that makes a lot of young kids to accomodate throughout the weekend services. It is my joy and privilege to literally watch our kids grow up together as family. I laughed audibly when I walked into our staff kid’s lounge on Sunday after our kid’s had already attended their class and saw a dozen of them all piled up on the same couch watching a cartoon. Here’s the picture:
Sometimes in life it’s good to remember that the most spiritual things are often just being around people who are growing in a relationship with Jesus. Depth, wisdom, and growth occurs in the everyday experiences.
Small groups signups are in ONE week. This is a HOT lineup coming your way with great options, diverse styles, and some amazing leaders!
We painted most of the church on Sunday night. I literally cried when the color first went on the walls! After years of decorating I should know that the paint will dry much different than it goes on…especially with the speed at which the paint sprayers lays on an entire coat. Twenty-four hours later, I can now say that this building is going to be a SHOW STOPPER! It’s bold, it’s risky, it’s different, and it’s COOL…the paint and the church…HA HA! Just to warn you…it’s yellow, green, brown, white, sheet metal, reclaimed wood, and brick. It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen in a church and that’s exactly how we want it!
The floors are getting stained in the morning. Rain City Construction…you are my heroes! Please make the raw concrete go away now.
We are part of a long heritage of Godly people who have passed the torch to us. We did not light a torch in ministry because we are NOTHING without the great men and women who have served God before us. May we walk in humility with that knowledge realizing that our exuberence in youth (yes, I’m still a youth…) is not a higher commodity in the eyes of God than the faith and perseverance of generations older than us. Just a thought…
Ok, on that note, we are having a work party on Saturday for painting, cleaning, and yard work from 1-5:00 pm on Saturday. If you are free, we’d love some help whether you attend our church or not!
Beautiful! World changers…praying for the kids at NC…strength, power, joy, courage, obedience, love.