Simply Worship
Last night we had Simply Worship at our church. Just under 60 adults and kids were there to give God some extra time to talk to our hearts. Some sang, some prayed, others read their Bibles. It was a great time with the church family to regain focus.
As I prayed, I was just laughing with God because I am such a better leader than a follower. What I mean is this…I struggle to turn off my leadership brain and take the time to follow Christ. To wait on him. To listen. My mind is a circuit board of leadership issues. I spend my time thinking about what needs to be done or how I can fix whatever current problem is on the agenda. The words on the screen become lost in my brain somewhere and the song trails off in the background. I’m in leadership mode.
I always feel the pressure to administrate everything. It’s my strength and my weakness all at the same time. I know it’s not possible to control everything, and frankly, I don’t want to, but I do want the ship running as smoothly as possible. I say all of the time that it would be so much fun to attend our church, but it’s sure daunting to be in charge of it!
So, last night I just sat down and laughed with God about my tangled web of a mind. And I made a conscious effort to listen to His voice and tell Him once again how great He is. It was refreshing to set aside my priorities and just care about His. And you know what, the problems were still there when I was done talking with Jesus, but the burden was sure a lot lighter.