Sweet Wedded Chaos
I wanted to share the article below with you. This is a special one for me. The author is a little girl that I babysat years ago, who is now a beautiful woman steeped in ministry at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. I babysat Astrid and her siblings over 10 years ago while their mom recovered from surgery and again during a trip to Hawaii. It was a short stint in their lives, but God imbedded Astrid in my heart. He would bring her to rememberance and I would pray for her many, many times over the years. You may feel all alone sometimes, but you never know whose heart God is putting YOUR name on.
Astrid – God has a plan, purpose and destiny for you that you can only begin to grasp. Hold on tight to His promises for your life and know that a pastor’s wife in Vancouver will hold you up in prayer! Many blessings, woman of God!
Sweet Wedded Chaos
January 24th 2011By Astrid Olsen
As a woman, especially a single one, I love weddings. More than the actual wedding, however, I love waking up the day before. I rise super early and watch the sunlight stream through my bedroom. I imagine the bride as she too wakes up and drinks in the quiet before the chaos begins, embracing the moment’s promises before crawling out of bed.
Despite the busyness, the boutonnieres, and the thousand other errands, the bride knows that in the end, all will fade away. The chaos may easily distract her, but deep in her heart she knows her time as a single woman is limited. Someone has chosen her. Someone loves her. Yes, life will continue to be messy, but at least for the wedding day, she can simply enjoy the beauty of it all and focus on him.
Today is alive with the promise of tomorrow.
Already but not yet
Similar to the day before a wedding, the Christian life is a state of “already but not yet;” I anticipate eternally worshipping my Father, but I get bogged down in mundane daily projects: bills to be paid, books to be read, etc. I’d like to think someday I’ll overcome life’s busy details and be able to focus solely on God, but heartbreakingly, it’s not possible.I’m reminded of Anne Milner’s quote, “The way you spend your days is the way you spend your life.” My life was completed at the Cross: Jesus saved me, and the rest of life is walking with him and depending on him. However, if I’m not careful, it will pass away quicker than my lists can form. Life isn’t going to suddenly simplify. I must find a way to worship right where I am, right in the middle of what I’m doing.
The challenge is that like a bride, as I run around, I remember Jesus. Even more than an anthem or running theme of my life, Jesus is central—his will and his glory are central. He’s the heartbeat of who I am, the joyous song on repeat in my soul. This earthly “engagement” only lasts so long, and although right now life’s detailed, messy, and chaotic, it’s still his.
Regardless of how stressful the “wedding” details are, all that matters is him. In the midst of chaos, I think about him, find joy in him, look for his hand, and focus on our future: life in his Kingdom. I don’t neglect life in pursuit of the Kingdom, but I recognize life as his and worship through what I’m doing. I live in anticipation of worshipping him “live,” but until then, I fight to worship him in my here and now.