What’s Your Plan?
What a funny few weeks we’ve had! Mark and I have literally immersed ourselves in writing a business plan for our vision. I love the Bible College that I attended, but I can honestly say that I was not prepared for this process. IT’S OVERWHELMING!!! We have prayed, dreamed, researched, asked a million questions, begged for help, and basically wrestled getting as much as we can from our brains to paper.
I firmly believe that a business plan and articulating that plan is KEY. After all of the help and wisdom we’ve gotten from people, I am convinced that anybody who is going to invest in us should rightfully expect us to have done the work. And we are glad to work. That being said, it’s nearly impossible to put faith onto paper. We have the statistics, the idea, the way we THINK we need to go…BUT.
But there’s a God in Heaven who will turn us, mold us, resource us, shape us, and push us in ways that our plan is not able to ascertain. I stared at the words FINANCIAL PLAN on my computer screen for about an hour one day. How do you put down the word “miracle” and look like you have any ounce of intelligence? Sure, we can come up with an idea, a strategy, and a neat little graph next to it, but something in my heart screams, “You can’t guess what’s about to happen! You serve a God with every resource at His beck and call who can take your plan and change it in a moment. A MOMENT.”
So, we plan. We plan as if this is dependent on us, knowing full well we are but tools in the hands of a mighty God. It’s His agenda, His purpose, and His will that we submit to. We know that even as we work on “our” plan, He is speaking to hearts in our community about His plan. I just can’t wait to watch the two paths intersect into that one word…miracle.
Wow that is so awesome… can’t wait to see how GOD shapes your plans.