Youth Group Update

You are probably waiting with great impatience to know how the youth ministry launch went last night…

IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!! They ended up with 58 people (teens and leaders) as well as another 15 in the babysitting room. There were teens crawling all over the place…and I didn’t know MOST of them! It was truly a surreal experience to watch everyone hanging out, hearing a message, and worshipping. Mark talked to one young man who had never been in a church before. I am quite positive that his first experience with Jesus was a great one. I think he felt welcome, excited, and comfortable. That’s a great start to what could be a long and profound relationship with Jesus. Either way, those youth kids made our God look really good last night!

We have an amazing team at North Creek. From the littlest kids to our teens to our main services, we have truly exceptional leaders. I am really excited to watch God use each one of them in surprising ways!

Congrats to Kris, Jeff and Angela who got to experience something that has been being molded for 2 1/2 years! You have all had a hand in God’s awesome work and we are proud of you!

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