October 5 Coffee Church Highlights

God is amazing!  It’s been an incredible couple of weeks at North Creek Church.

Last Tuesday we had Simply Worship, which is supposed to be an hour of worship, prayer, and communion.  When we dismissed at 7:30, nobody left and we just kept praising Jesus for another hour.  Sometimes the presence of Jesus is the only place you want to be.

We’ve also had a great sermon series called Risky Business.  It’s been about living a life of faith and obedience.  You really can’t be obedient to the things of God if you aren’t reading the Word of God.

The good news is that almost 100 people will be tackling the book of Mark over the next eight weeks, either in growth groups or in personal study because they can’t make it to a group.  I have about a dozen study guides available if you’d like to purchase one for $10.  The books will be there on Sunday morning, so find Rachael at Battle Ground or myself at Hazel Dell and jump into our study.

We closed our growth group registration, but if you missed it, one of our Monday groups couldn’t start this week due to a sickness.  If you are sneaky, I bet you could go to www.coffeechurch.com and find that you are still able to register.  I won’t tell anybody.

Mark and I got to speak at a church planting conference last week as well.  It was so much fun to team teach and reminisce about the journey that Jesus has brought us on.  It’s been an unbelievable journey for the last eight years.  We could not have asked for a better learning experience!

In my prayer time, my heart has been abundantly burdened. I am more convinced than ever that we, as Christians, have bought into too many lies that sound so reasonable.  We ALWAYS have a choice in our behavior, we ALWAYS have victory in Christ, we ALWAYS have the opportunity to change.  If you believe that you can’t live according to the Bible because of your failure or wrong desires, you have made God too small and you are deceived.  HE IS A BIG GOD WHO CAN CHANGE THE FABRIC OF YOUR SOUL.  Claim the win for obedience and do the right thing.  Rise up Christian!  Rise up!

On that note, when God wakes you up to pray at 3:30 am, you are both glad and slightly unruffled.  I’m not even sure unruffled is a word, but it is when you’ve been up since 3:30 am.

I say this a lot, but you should write a tithe check to your church.  If you go Old Testament style, that’s 10%…I’ll give you a minute to do the math… If you go New Testament style, you’ve gotta pray and then brace yourself because it’s definitely more than 10%…God will probably have you sell a goat or something…  Why should you tithe?  1. Obedience honors God. 2. Obedience brings you freedom.

While you’re writing checks, Mark felt called by God to write a $10,000 check to a church in Argentina.  North Creek is at about $2000 towards that goal, so thank you!  If you’d like to give to help build the church there, just mark your envelope Seed of Faith.  I have a feeling this is an amazing story being written right before us!

If you’re still reading this, you probably wonder what got into my coffee this morning…well, time is short and I really want all of us to live out the fullness of Christ.  So, let’s do it!

Be blessed!



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