A Picture of Forgiveness
Sometimes we all say or do something that we wish we could take back. Mark had one of those moments yesterday.
Picture this…a sweet little girl was eating a cupcake yesterday morning in our church. He told her the frosting smelled funny and when she went to sniff it for herself, he bumped it into her nose. Frosting smooshed on her cute face! At that moment, any little girl would do one of two things…laugh or cry. You guessed it…she cried. UGH! What a heart wrenching moment! Mark, of course, immediately aplogized, but limped away feeling two inches tall.
As he was telling me the story on the way home, he said, “I’m going to the store to buy Laura a new cupcake!” So, off we went to pick out the most amazing cupcake he could find. He found a chocolate filled cupcake with chocolate frosting and shaved chocolate on top. It was fit for a princess! He had the bakery put it in a little white box and off he went to knock on the door of an eight year old with a bruised heart.
When we arrived, she wasn’t home, so he wrote a note on the box. “Laura – Sometimes boys can be dumb. I’m sorry. š Pastor Mark”. He left it there, hoping that he could heal a wound that he wished he had never caused.
Why am I humilitating my husband to tell this story? Because there are so many lessons to learn! First of all, don’t smoosh cupcakes into the face of a little girl. Secondly, apologies are best done with action. Words are awesome, but there’s something to be said for a hand-delivered replacement cupcake with a note of humility.
The third lesson is one I will never forget.
A couple of hours later we walked out of our front door and there on our front step was a card. Inside it read, “Pastor Mark – I forgive you. Thanks for the treat. See you Sunday. Sincerely, Laura”. What’s the lesson? Forgive quickly and allow people back into your heart.
I’ve been on the receiving end of people who are offended and the last words that I hear them say are much different than “See you Sunday.” And yet, in the heart of an 8 year old, is a deep wisdom. Why sever an important relationship over a mistake? And the best part about it…Mark and Laura will have a deeper relationship than ever before. Together they walked through a conflict appropriately and I know that God will grow that bond through it. They will probably laugh about this in the years to come!
So, thank you to Laura for teaching us all a valuable lesson. Sometimes a little child is the best example of Jesus.
Very sweet! Good lesson. Thanks for sharing that one.