April 11 Highlights
It’s the week after Easter! That’s a notorious weekend in church life because you go from a packed house back to reality in the short span of 7 days. Thankfully we had more people than usual, particularily in the 9:00 am service, so it wasn’t a drastic difference for us. Onward and upward!
My parents came to visit for a few days this week from Montana. They left on Sunday morning, so my kids started off tired and emotional…it only got worse as the day went on! We had a good time with them and even enjoyed a sunny day at the park.
Kim, our children’s pastor, probably had the best morning. She got a full time job about a month ago to offset the financial changes with her husband being diagnosed with MS and unable to work from here on out. She got a card in the offering with 12 one hundred dollar bills in it. Don’t you love when God takes care of all of the details? She called her husband to tell him and said, “I won’t be coming home with all of it!” She paid tithe, gave a camp scholarship, paid for Devin to go to summer camp, and paid for her pastor’s lunch! She’s got her priorities in order!!!!
Josh and Keagan worked in Mike’s yard for him this weekend. He had high praise for two teenagers who worked hard and did a good job! That’s what I like to hear!
I heard that Alex, an elementary student and one of our staff kids, went and prayed over another adult in our church at Simply Worship. It’s crazy to me because we have never “taught” our kids to do that specifically. We just allow kids and teens to be a part of our journey with Jesus and they walk right along side us…leading in some cases!
The Christie family, one of our founding families, is moving to California. We are excited for their future and the opportunity, but it’s a significant loss for North Creek. They are a quality family that serves on our board, faithfully gives, faithfully serves, and are some of our dearest friends. We’ll have a big hole to fill!
Karissa, another teenager, got high praise for serving a mom with a young daughter at our church. She was all over making sure that her needs were taken care of all morning!
One of our preschoolers, Jace, told his teacher, “I want to sit in God’s lap.” So do I, Jace, so do I!
Our offerings have taken an interesting turn this month. Apparently a bunch of families in our church all decided that it was time to tithe and live in obedience in that area of their lives. At this point our monthly giving is up by over half and we are only on April 12. I’m not sure what happened, but it set off the dream meter with our staff! We need $30,000 extra by October to launch a second campus. If everybody jumps on board with the Biblical model of giving, we could be on course for an incredible journey of faith. Let’s change the world!
We moved our staff meeting to Sunday nights to accomodate the people that have full time jobs. It was fun last night to get together and download a great day! God is up to something in our hearts and I can’t wait to see it all come to play.
It’s going to be a good week!