April 18 Highlights
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! It was a good morning! Here’s my highlights:
We were joking with Lee about how his son, Alex, is very pastoral, even as a fifth grader. Lee said, “I’m the prelude to the actual act.” What a profound thought! We lay out the preliminary work so that our children can carry it on to the next level. Can’t wait to see the church that Kennedy starts…
We had a set of grandparents come to our church and tell us how great it was! I love that! They were impressed by how relevant we are and grateful that their grandkids had a great church to come to as young adults.
We had several of our guests return, which I always love. It’s hard to find a church and it’s our goal to make that process as smooth as possible. Connecting with people is a very big job and it takes everybody making the effort.
Rachael, our children’s coordinator, is out of town visiting her mom in California. We miss her! She is a master at making sure that loving, qualified adults get your children from check in to class and back to you safely. I jumped in to some of her roles yesterday and felt like I was scrambling all morning. She always seems so calm…
Got this comment on my blog: I am so excited yet scared also for what our church has done and what it is going to do . With God all things are possible!!! Our church changes lives in Vancouver and will continue to change lives because God is in control like He is supposed to be. When you give it to God, He will make a way. We are seeing this in our own family as we are giving it to God. My husband has been unemployed since August yet ALL of our bills are being paid and we are trying to get on track financially. Our God is an awesome God! We love our North Creek Family.
We have lots of families in significant transitions right now. Many are buying houses, moving, getting pregnant, and getting new jobs. It’s a whirlwind to keep up with it all!
Our next baptism date is May 16. I got a couple of forms turned in yesterday and I’m sure there are more to come. Looking forward to it!
I ordered a bunch of new Bibles to give away. We have never had to order Bibles because we’ve inherited stacks of them from other churches, but it was sure fun to punch in the credit card numbers on that one. I can’t think of a better way to spend North Creek’s money than to put a Bible in the hand of someone who is seeking Jesus. It’s the gateway to understanding our Savior! There is no tool as powerful as the Word of God…accompanied by our litte booklet on how to read the Bible and where to start!
We are reading Proverbs as a church, which I have personally loved. So many tidbits of wisdom to think about and implement into my life.
Praying about our small groups. Thinking about some new strategies and systems for the fall. More to come as we figure it out.
Also, if you like my blog, check out Mark Batterson’s at www.evotional.com. It’s one of my favorites.
I think we have a miraculous week ahead of us. Hang on to your seats!