August 14 Coffee Church Highlights
I haven’t written in a bit because we’ve been on vacation and enjoying our summer! We took a wonderful trip to Montana with a stop at Glacier National Park. Truly one of my favorite places on the planet!!! We enjoyed ourselves very much, but are also glad to be back at North Creek and with the people I love!
It is always nice to go on vacation, get away and reset for the fall. We could not be more excited to put the last season behind us and look ahead to what God has in store for us. He is good and faithful! After selling two buildings and moving a TON of stuff all over the place, we are excited to be in a position to move from Prairie when the right building comes along. In the meantime, we are doing great and enjoying this season without any building maintenance!
Currently, we are in a series called A Way Out, which is focused on temptation. It has been a good look at how to resist the things in our lives that may get us sidetracked. Anything that keeps you from a righteous life needs to be kicked to the curb. Living for Jesus with a grateful heart is where you will find freedom!
Also on Sunday we hosted Latin Night at our house. SO FUN!!!! Thank you to the Brizuela family for making fresh papusas for us! They are originally from El Salvador, so they bring the authentic goodness of Latin food. And thank you to everyone for bringing dishes to share. My back yard was full of people and AMAZING food, so what could be better?
We are gearing up for our 10 Year Anniversary celebration in September. We’re taking the whole month to look back at all that God has done while running toward His future for us with abandon! It has been an absolute privilege to get to start a church and go on a journey like this. I feel blessed beyond measure at the growth that God has allowed through this life and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
So, this baby shirt may be coming for fall. Let me know what you think! I’m actually considering having another baby just to have them wear this. OK, not really. That’s not even a funny joke at this point… 😉 But I do love this little onesie and think all babies should have as much of the Coffee Church as they want!
Don’t worry…we are also rolling out adult shirts as well, so stay tuned. Lots of fun coming our way for our 10 year! The BIG day is September 25th, but every Sunday in September will be a party!
How can you help us? We want you to volunteer! It’s the BEST way to feel like a part of something bigger than yourself and meet some new people. Fill out the form at
Also, we want you to tithe! Giving 10% of your income is God’s way of funding His dreams. We want to be a generous church and see what God can do through our obedience. You can give on our website as well at You can also set up a Pushpay account to make giving simple for you. No more checks!
We want you to invite a friend! We have a great church. If your friends are looking for a church, let ’em know about North Creek.
So, bottom line…Jesus is incredible. He changes lives, He sets us free, He shapes our hearts, and He guides our church. It is such a joyful journey to serve Him. Let’s keep that as the forefront as we set out to change the world!!!
Be blessed!